Live Stoners How to keep dem alligators from eating up the seed?

Welcome along mate :)

I'm in the UK & have just had a couple of days of similar weather. Thoroughly enjoyed it I did... grow room got a little warm though!
I too live in la. an I tried in outside and all I got was no bud. from critters( squirrels Rabbits) I do in side only.
If i had a green house i control it better, but just outside no.:crying:
Here a quick story I had white widow going out side it was 1 week away from harvest.
This squirrel male big guy, he had a taste for weed. So I went out to check things out.
I get to ww and on the ground was this squirrel just laying there not moving I look at my ww and the top 2/3 of main cola was gone. The damn thing was fubar stoned all it could do was blink. It was the the funnest thing to see this little thing stoned out of mind. I wrap it up in a old towel an put him by has tree, an 4-5 hrs later he was gone.
So in conclusion grow inside :cheers::cheers:
welcome to AFN Wandering_Bull and have fun.:woohoo:
I too live in la. an I tried in outside and all I got was no bud. from critters( squirrels Rabbits) I do in side only.
If i had a green house i control it better, but just outside no.:crying:
Here a quick story I had white widow going out side it was 1 week away from harvest.
This squirrel male big guy, he had a taste for weed. So I went out to check things out.
I get to ww and on the ground was this squirrel just laying there not moving I look at my ww and the top 2/3 of main cola was gone. The damn thing was fubar stoned all it could do was blink. It was the the funnest thing to see this little thing stoned out of mind. I wrap it up in a old towel an put him by has tree, an 4-5 hrs later he was gone.
So in conclusion grow inside :cheers::cheers:
welcome to AFN Wandering_Bull and have fun.:woohoo:

hahaha that is motivating me more to grow outside. I'd kill to see that
So I hit up a my neighbors on the DM but thought I'd throw this out there. Put my seeds in peat pellets and followed Ronin's method and after 2 weeks nada. I've heard peat pellets suck, after the fact, because of pH. Anyway some of the seed popped open but the root didn't grow much. Others didnt do a dam thing. Anybody have any thoughts as to what I did wrong?
:welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:

Great to have you here with us!!:woohoo1:

Seems like your already getting local knowledge to help you out!

Like to have a laugh and a chat? Why not pop over to Live Stoners Gossip, everyone is so friendly and it's a hoot, we also have live interviews with the bud warriors leading from the front and also play some great tunes!:thumbsup::woohoo1:

Have a fantastic grow!:frog:
sorry it took so long to get back to you
I use paper towel and a plastic plate.
i take 4 paper towels fold 2, place on bottom of plate.
put you seeds on it spaced apart.
take the other fold and put on top.
water with 6.5 ph water all the water stays in the towels
I put the whole thing into 1 gal zip bag do not close it.
then i put the whole thing on top my fridg.
check it every 12 hrs or so. when the root gets 1/2 inch long in i put in soil 1 inch deep with root going down.

Hope this helps
please ask questions anytime