Live Stoners How to keep dem alligators from eating up the seed?

Jul 10, 2016
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I'm a total nube to homegrowing and was hoping to get some advice from the experts. I'm down here in good ole south Louisiana so I'm not real sure how/when to plant with the weather down here. I've got some auto fem caramelicious and some regular northern lights seeds en route. I think I'm getting a late start here but might be alright with our mild winters idk?

Just to get a picture of what I'm dealing with, this week is between 90-100 degrees at least 50% precip everyday and humidity is 60-70%. This will last well into September, usually don't see fall until Octoberish.

So my thoughts are to plant some of the autos now and just grow them inside, and put the other autos and northers in the ground outside so that I'm harvesting around about Halloween.

Does that sound like a good plan? Can I grow all outside now instead and see similar and/or better results? I'd rather not have plants in the house but am worried about elements. If you were in my position what would you suggest?

Thanks ahead for any advice you can offer,


I'm a total nube to homegrowing and was hoping to get some advice from the experts. I'm down here in good ole south Louisiana so I'm not real sure how/when to plant with the weather down here. I've got some auto fem caramelicious and some regular northern lights seeds en route. I think I'm getting a late start here but might be alright with our mild winters idk?

Just to get a picture of what I'm dealing with, this week is between 90-100 degrees at least 50% precip everyday and humidity is 60-70%. This will last well into September, usually don't see fall until Octoberish.

So my thoughts are to plant some of the autos now and just grow them inside, and put the other autos and northers in the ground outside so that I'm harvesting around about Halloween.

Does that sound like a good plan? Can I grow all outside now instead and see similar and/or better results? I'd rather not have plants in the house but am worried about elements. If you were in my position what would you suggest?

Thanks ahead for any advice you can offer,

Welcome bro.. Good choices on seeds..starting new plants/babies in them conditions may require extra attention to not get burnt may wanna try a 50/50 inside/out so you dont lose everything if some bad weather hit.just my opinions tho..peace
I hear you on the hot and humid bro, we're neighbors, I would be concerned with possible mold in flower, if doing outdoors, estimate about two months before drier weather to start outside, but they do fine inside with budget friendly lighting. Pretty decent crawfish season, been eating some bigguns this year.
I hear you on the hot and humid bro, we're neighbors, I would be concerned with possible mold in flower, if doing outdoors, estimate about two months before drier weather to start outside, but they do fine inside with budget friendly lighting. Pretty decent crawfish season, been eating some bigguns this year.

Ya im beginning to see how easily that could be a problem. Just moved into this house and my back yard is steadily being eaten up by something, mold, pests, idk what it is yet but not a good sign. Maybe in the garage? No A/C but it at least a shield from the elements. Idk when to expect drier weather...

Your right man been a great season this year
Welcome bro.. Good choices on seeds..starting new plants/babies in them conditions may require extra attention to not get burnt may wanna try a 50/50 inside/out so you dont lose everything if some bad weather hit.just my opinions tho..peace

How would you suggest going with a 50/50 approach? When and/or how would you switch between the two? Seems like it'd be a little stressful going from one environment to the other?
How would you suggest going with a 50/50 approach? When and/or how would you switch between the two? Seems like it'd be a little stressful going from one environment to the other?
Ah yes,i see ,i worded that wrong,what i was saying is to do 50% inside and 50% of them outside..not move from indoors to outdoors.. This way the indoor controlled environment plants would/could guarantee a harvest if the outdoor plants were killed/ruined by the outdoor conditions...
Garage is fine, but you'll definitely want to cool it down, don't know where you sit budget wise, an in room ac is kind of pricey, unless you could put in a window unit, just to get it at least in the low 80s
Welcome. I only grow indoors.. You can do that all year.. Just got to control your temps and your good to go

I'm a total nube to homegrowing and was hoping to get some advice from the experts. I'm down here in good ole south Louisiana so I'm not real sure how/when to plant with the weather down here. I've got some auto fem caramelicious and some regular northern lights seeds en route. I think I'm getting a late start here but might be alright with our mild winters idk?

Just to get a picture of what I'm dealing with, this week is between 90-100 degrees at least 50% precip everyday and humidity is 60-70%. This will last well into September, usually don't see fall until Octoberish.

So my thoughts are to plant some of the autos now and just grow them inside, and put the other autos and northers in the ground outside so that I'm harvesting around about Halloween.

Does that sound like a good plan? Can I grow all outside now instead and see similar and/or better results? I'd rather not have plants in the house but am worried about elements. If you were in my position what would you suggest?

Thanks ahead for any advice you can offer,


Welcome to AFN @Wandering_Bull I too reside in SE LA. I grow vegies and ornamentals outside but no way that I'm gonna put my babies out in that, especially in our summers. Here's a few things for you to consider.

Heat - Even indoors with the AC I struggle to keep the temps in my cab below 90F.
Humidity - Our high humidity during flowering makes mold a major concern.
Wind & Rain - Ours can be brutal especially if there is a depression, TS, or cane in the area.
Bugs - All them bugs that love to munch on your vegies (especially tomatoes) love to munch on weed too.
Critters - Don't know if you're urban, burbs, or rural, but deer, rabbit, and other critters have a taste for the herb.
Nosey busybodies - Cost a friend 5K to stay out of jail for 2 12" plants.

Just my 2 cents worth bro. Good grow :karmacloud: to you whatever, you decide to do. Feel free to hit me up with a PM anytime. If ya want a few laughs - check out my current journal (top one in my signature)
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