Indoor how to grow autoflowering plants and super autos

well thanks guys for the info but the only problem is i got to get super autos from another site besides bonza im not sure if they will deliver to australia,my friend used bonza and he had no probs with it but they dont have super autos :(,,,
iv'e had 2 hobbit grows now outdoors and a hbd im ready for indoors thanks for the great thread stitch took some notes... rite now im wating on a seed order witch includes ..
1xflashseeds #1
dinafim haze x3
1x grass-omatic max gom
3xbarneysfarm sweettooth
1xworldofseeds pakistanrider ....hope to get a good turn out under cfls and 2 t-5's indoors 4x4x8 in coco soil mix not shure on nutes yet i know they will be getting a tea and bottlewater whole trip below are some of the hobbits hbd my first grow ever just water from hose didnt know about nutes at all...:smokeit:
Thanks Stitch

here we go again,.....after a good diner and a nice ice cream :p

this thread is part of the project that ia had form the beginning of Flash seeds, I mean to get with this new company an international AA class advertizing and info source for all of the people that want to grow good autos and are totaly forgoten from the big seeds banks.
Even if now big seeds banks are selling auto seeds, they totaly forgot the main procvess of taking care about the customers, which is information, this is not only about haveing nice pics ( sometimes fake ones) with some kind o¡f descriptions that will help growers to get the top max results of the plants.
Flash seeds will solved this problem and this mistake giv¡ing very soon a full aplication method to grow autos and super autos, not only for Flash seeds strains, but for all auto stains available, because even if some are sold from others seeds banks, the base are all come and will all come from the same roots which are:

1: Joint doctor lowryder #1 and #2.
2: stitch super autos with Stitch 0.1 base.

than if we see those two points, the fact are that people copied or used JD lowryders and people will also copy or use Stitch 0.1...that mean that we are abble both of us to explain to people how to grow them the most properly we think it is...and give the best infos.
But i repeat ones again, we are not the definitives, we are not the only ones to get the best infos, but the bases and the roots for those.

I personaly work with autos since more than ten years now with my super autos that i started to cross with some seeds of eastern rudiralis that i get from a travel that ia made in Hiungary in 1998, I used to get there to work as DJ in a big discotek in Debrecen a quite big city next to the roumanian border. In this plqace it was very commun to find some cannabis plants everywhere in the country side and evenin the city streets... I was very happy to get in this place cause as u can imagine, this was a kind of paradise for me smoker to see so many cannabis plants everywhere.
I strated to get in several places over the country and started to collect some plants and seeds to see if there was any of those more potent but with no many success, but what i saw and atract my atention is that as the sensi seeds bank said many times in some catalogs in that time and the few books available at that time, that the eastern cannabis was rudiralis kind in the majority and as the capacity to autoflower at anytime due to a kind of natural aclimatation. I still don't know if this is the truth, but this was very interesting for me because i could see so many enormous cannabis plants over than 4 meters highfully budding in mid july and this was a very interesting data.
I forgot to say that I started to smoke and grow marijuana in Mexico in 1991 and at this time only pure sativa ¡was available and i felt in love with this positive kick has energy of sativa MOTTA.
But for me than it was imposible for me to grow those plants and seeds in europ, so my vision was clear...mix some mexican sativas with those rudiralis top get early sativas abbla to flower quickly.
So i started than in 1999/2000 to cross some rudiralis to get a base to work with this took me till 2001 or so, than started to cross the base rudiralis one with some sativas that i had at the time from mexico to induce some potency in it... the process was on the rails, the product was enough potent for me, this was pleasant, but i need then more potency and taste and this was a first stage that gived me Stitch 0.1.
My name Stitch is coming from a mexicain friend of mine that coulkdn't named me well with my real name, so one day He started to call me STITCH and this stayed.

Slowly then years after years i improved the strains crossing it with several strains to give me more choises of smoke and u start now to get them available.

this was the small historical data that i wanted to giive you here guys to understand were super autos are coming from.


For Super autos grow u have to keep in mind whatr was the base of the work, my inicial idea of it....which is growing sativas outdoor that become huge, enormous with big yield and in short time, but plants that have to get huge or even bigger than non auto plants.
Super autos of my genetics...need big containers, the best quality soil and a lot of sun, they can also perfectly work indoor, but due to the big size, they are doing best outdoor.

Start ur seeds germination putting your seeds into a kitchen papers, wet not too much, and then place the papers into an ermetical box or a plastic bag to keep the wetness, place this into a worm place over 18 degres celsus and forget them for 4 days or so, then come back and normaly all the seeds are germinated.( don't forget that sometimes if u come and check them every 6 houurs v¡because ur anxious, u may had some troubles by ur own to the seeds germination process, because u are nervious to see them germinating, and this way u are stressing them too!
don't forget that in nature, seeds have nobody coming to look at then and touch them every 6 hours or everydays and they are germinating pretty good. So do the same brothers.
If some seeds doesn't germinated, i will tell u to get the in mind that u can help them to germinate, coz sometimes seeds have troubles to open or crack there shell, sometimes rudiralis shell are stronger and bigger than normal cannabis indica or sativa. So carefully help the shell to broke very carefully helping u with ur teeth and this way back the seeds innto the paper for two days more and u'll have the seeds open and germinated.
Than place the seeds into the soil, start the seeds into the definitive cointainer that u wich to grow ur plant, please use for Super autos containers over than 25 liters outdoor and not less than 10 liters indoor, if u can't get enough space for a 10 liter container indoor, just forget grow a Super auto indoor and do best grow normal autos.
Super autos are very easy to grow, they don't need any feeding program in fact if the soil is good and in big containers till you reach week 4 or so and just start some nutrients program till this time. U can easily start to give some grow nutrients at week 4 till week 7 or 8 max, than strat flowering program at week 6 /7 just mix both nutrients program for one week or two and stop flowering program at week 11 for Number One and Chaze and at week 12 for Annapurna and Nirvana sky...
indoor feed your plants with a water with ph regulated... outdoor just forget about it, this is just ridiculous to regulate ph, this is not necesary at all, coz in fact the plants just hacev serious ph troubles when indoor due to the lamps and electric lights, nothing else.

When u stopped all the feeding just clean your plants starting by cleaning the soil with pure fresh water during at least 10 days before harvest, this way ur plants will have time to eliminate all the nutrients in the organism, and this will induce a better natural taste and effect without any toxic residue of nutrients.

Cut ur plants remove all the big leafs, keep just the plants stored in a dark dry place with some fresh air going through, and wait till ur buds are totaly drieds, than store the bud into a glass jare or a plastic box like tupperware. Wait till more that one month normaly ( I knozw this is hard and long...hehehe) and open the box or jar every days for 10 minutes, before starting to smoke and than to really apreciate the taste and potency of the strain.

Thank u guys for ur time and i'll follow the story a bit later.

Found your great guidelines right after receiving my Chaze,Nirvana Sky,and Auto Xtreme seeds. Like yourself,I was weaned on super sativas in Mexico. Very stoked for this outdoor season in Colorado. :peace:
Thanx for bumping, wasn't aware of this thread...will cruze thru it, will need all there is to know about growing superautos*.

*only if *stitch* replies to my mails(been a while). Stitch, where are you? ;)
Stitch--has provided some great mentoring style of advise. I thought I would throw out one statement often overlooked in indoor growing (and relates to container size/replicating nature):

"In fact guys the most important details in growing good cannabis plants is to get very close to mother nature...
in nature plants does never have root space limited and in nature i've seen in eastern european countries free hemp growing rudiralis type over than 5 meters tall... this is obvious."

Any thoughts?

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Stitch--has provided some great mentoring style of advise. I thought I would throw out one statement often overlooked in indoor growing (and relates to container size/replicating nature):

"In fact guys the most important details in growing good cannabis plants is to get very close to mother nature...
in nature plants does never have root space limited and in nature i've seen in eastern european countries free hemp growing rudiralis type over than 5 meters tall... this is obvious."

Any thoughts?

I am bookmarking this thread.

I've seen this too, Alan. Huuuuge Plants. I've also seen tiny ones too. Sometimes right next to each other, like the seeds probably fell from the same plant, but the one that landed on the soft earth grew 4 metres tall and the one that fell into a crack between some paving stones only grew 15 centimetres. Tiny little plants which usually come out male but sometimes produce one little bud with 4 or 5 seeds in it.

Yes, root space seems to have an enormous effect on ruderalis type plants.
:thumbs: supa thread :D:D:D
2 years ago I grow auto sativa PEHKURUDER x THAIPHAN 2.0 Nice soft uplifting sativa smoke :joint: This strain would be good to cross with some superautos.
What do you think