New Grower How much water when planting seed?

Jan 6, 2016
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Hey guys.

Just got my Mephisto Mystery gear(unlabaled).

Got BB Light Mix with their nutes and 6L airpots. Mitch said they do fine starting in their final container.

How do you guys go about watering? Just a cup every few days or pre-water the pot to runoff and let it sit for 24h before stickning down the seed?
I pre-water, check until pH in the soil stabilizes (takes 2-3 days usually), and then put the bean directly into soil. I personally think autos do better in their final container, I've found that transplanting can delay development a few days, even a week to bounce back. Then I spray a little, and water every other day or as needed, not much to start with, just check the soil drying.
I pre-water, check until pH in the soil stabilizes (takes 2-3 days usually), and then put the bean directly into soil. I personally think autos do better in their final container, I've found that transplanting can delay development a few days, even a week to bounce back. Then I spray a little, and water every other day or as needed, not much to start with, just check the soil drying.

Ok cool. So you just water to runoff and let it sit in growroom temp for few days before planting? I can do that. :D I aint got no soil pH meter though, just regular water pH meter.
I germinate with root riot cubes the plant seedling in dry smart pot the water with ph'd water with a little root excelerator. About 100ml every other day depending on how light the pot feels.
Yeah @AKsteel, probably...I really use my own mix (peat based) and it can swing from low 5's to high low 7's. I buffer with rain water (pH around 6.7-7) or tap water (pH 7.8) [emoji4] but that's me I grow organic.