How much water and how often?

Mar 22, 2022
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They are 1.5 months old and I'm currently watering each with around 16oz of water every other day. Obviously, the one with curled leaves (just over a foot high) is not doing so good. The other one (11 inches high) is in better condition. Any advice on the amount of water and how often? Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Your leaves are "clawing". It usually means you're giving her too much Nitrogen.
As for watering, the easiest way is to just pick up the pot & if it feels light/dry, she needs water. You can put for finger into the soil a half an inch or so & if it's dry, they might need some water. You also have brown spots on the leaves & some of the tips are brown. Could be too much nutes or a lockout.
She's looking good though, but sort out the clawing ASAP!
Don’t be afraid to water your plants. I’ve definiely noticed a bias lately where people are afraid to overwater their plants so they overcorrect and end up under watering.

When you water, you should fully saturate your medium. I’m skeptical that 16oz is enough to do that, although it could be. What medium is this exactly? It looks pretty airy, and with that perlite, the risk of drowning your roots is much lower.

In general, water your medium before it dries out. Weight is probably the best way to figure this out.

To put it in some context regarding different mediums, when I grew in soil I’d typically water every 3 days - fully saturated but with little to no runoff. For soilless mixes, like Pro-Mix HP, I’d water every 48 hours to 10% runoff. Now that I’m growing in coco, I’m watering 5 times per day to 20% run off lol. It really is medium dependent.

Also, what are you feeding? Definitely some signs of N toxicity and overfeeding in general on the first plant. If liquid nutes, are you tracking ppm/EC and pH?
They are 1.5 months old and I'm currently watering each with around 16oz of water every other day. Obviously, the one with curled leaves (just over a foot high) is not doing so good. The other one (11 inches high) is in better condition. Any advice on the amount of water and how often? Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks.View attachment 1460560View attachment 1460561

They are 1.5 months old and I'm currently watering each with around 16oz of water every other day. Obviously, the one with curled leaves (just over a foot high) is not doing so good. The other one (11 inches high) is in better condition. Any advice on the amount of water and how often? Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks.View attachment 1460560View attachment 1460561
Just looking at your post again & I'm wondering is this powdery mildew?
Your leaves are "clawing". It usually means you're giving her too much Nitrogen.
As for watering, the easiest way is to just pick up the pot & if it feels light/dry, she needs water. You can put for finger into the soil a half an inch or so & if it's dry, they might need some water. You also have brown spots on the leaves & some of the tips are brown. Could be too much nutes or a lockout.
She's looking good though, but sort out the clawing ASAP!
I mixed some Mega crop with a gallon of Glacier water and used that to water them a couple of times and I used pH up once. Other than that, I've only used glacier water. Could the spots be from drops when I watered them with mega crop? What would cause too much nitrogen and what is 'lockout'?
Don’t be afraid to water your plants. I’ve definiely noticed a bias lately where people are afraid to overwater their plants so they overcorrect and end up under watering.

When you water, you should fully saturate your medium. I’m skeptical that 16oz is enough to do that, although it could be. What medium is this exactly? It looks pretty airy, and with that perlite, the risk of drowning your roots is much lower.

In general, water your medium before it dries out. Weight is probably the best way to figure this out.

To put it in some context regarding different mediums, when I grew in soil I’d typically water every 3 days - fully saturated but with little to no runoff. For soilless mixes, like Pro-Mix HP, I’d water every 48 hours to 10% runoff. Now that I’m growing in coco, I’m watering 5 times per day to 20% run off lol. It really is medium dependent.

Also, what are you feeding? Definitely some signs of N toxicity and overfeeding in general on the first plant. If liquid nutes, are you tracking ppm/EC and pH?
I have a 4x2 mars Hydro tent. The soil is fox farm happy frog. I used mega crop a couple of times a bit back and PH up once. Other than that, I just use glacier water. What can I do to counter the nitrogen o.d.?
I've never heard of Mega Crop, but do a search here & see does anyone use it. They will give you better advice.
But nutrient lockout happens for different reasons. One of the most common is wrong ph. You'd have to tell people the nutrients you use, how much/often you feed, what is the ph of your water after you've added nutrients.
You could cut down on the nutrients you're feeding to reduce Nitrogen & flush the plant with lots of water.
As for the white marks. Try to gently rub them off with your finger or a slightly damp tissue & watch out to see if it comes back. It's usually caused by humidity being too high for too long.
That all just my opinion. So try to get more advice here if you can.
Don’t be afraid to water your plants. I’ve definiely noticed a bias lately where people are afraid to overwater their plants so they overcorrect and end up under watering.

When you water, you should fully saturate your medium. I’m skeptical that 16oz is enough to do that, although it could be. What medium is this exactly? It looks pretty airy, and with that perlite, the risk of drowning your roots is much lower.

In general, water your medium before it dries out. Weight is probably the best way to figure this out.

To put it in some context regarding different mediums, when I grew in soil I’d typically water every 3 days - fully saturated but with little to no runoff. For soilless mixes, like Pro-Mix HP, I’d water every 48 hours to 10% runoff. Now that I’m growing in coco, I’m watering 5 times per day to 20% run off lol. It really is medium dependent.

Also, what are you feeding? Definitely some signs of N toxicity and overfeeding in general on the first plant. If liquid nutes, are you tracking ppm/EC and pH?
Would you suggest fully saturating the pot from sprout? Or only once your plants fill the pot? Currently on my first grow. Appreciate your help!
Those spots look like dried nutrient solution to me. I use megacrop, feel free to hit me with any questions.
You’re plant is under watered…. I can’t tell what size that pot is, so I’ll assume it’s a 3 gallon… that case I would be watering about a gallon of nutrient solution as needed. Let your pot dry out between feedings, and then give a full watering….and so on. As stated above, the best way is to go by the weight. When it’s fully dry, it will be unbelievably light.

Would you suggest fully saturating the pot from sprout? Or only once your plants fill the pot? Currently on my first grow. Appreciate your help!
During the seedling phase, personally, I increase feed with each watering. You don’t want to fully saturate the pot in this phase. Instead just water in a circle around the seedling….each time you water, increase the amount and diameter. You should only need to do this during the first 15 days or so. Eventually you’ll do a light soaking around day 15, then full feedings after that. During the seedling phase you’re trying to coax the roots out into the full pot. If you over feed early on, her roots will not spread out, and she’ll stay small….
Feel free to tag me with any questions :pass: