Don't forget some color-by-number pictures of the different deficiencies and a connect-the-trichomes picture to show what spider mite webbing looks like!
Hahaha! Just teasing!
Included it will be but I believe that the Deficiencies belong in its own book. There are tones of reads on deficiencies but they all lack. You can have to much or to little of NPK or other elements and the reaction your plant shows you are either settle or extreme. THERE NEEDS TO BE PICTURES OF BOTH. If you have TO MUCH (N) or to little (N) you should be able to look @ the guide and see. Then I would like to figure at least 2 dif ways to fix it organically and chemically to tacke the deficiency and how to take preventative measures.
I also would want a section on dif color strains and how to tell a deficiency. Like wiz's black dragon. I'm sure the due to the purple pigment of the leafs the color indications for certain deficiencies will change or look different making ID'ing difficult.
BUT before i do this I want to get out of the Apt and into a house. I want to build a room with 20-30 dif boxes for 20-30 plants. With each plant I'll try to pull a deficiency out on purpose by adding to much or to little of something. Example, Box 1 and 2 will be my (N) deficiency. Plant 1 will get 0 Nitrogen until it shows any signs of stress. I'll take pictures and document any details then try to fix. box 2 will get LOADS AND LOADS of N until lockout and I'll take pictures and doc. Then box 3-4 will be my Mold/Mildew test. I'll raise the humidity up over 60% and allow the air to be stagnant and induce mold. take pictures and document. This will also be useful when creating strains because I can test the resistance they have to certain molds and mildews in a controlled environment. I want to go down the list of ALL the bad things that can go wrong and document them. then show how to Fix/prevent if possible.
I think with deficiency the number one problem is people just wait for them instead of going about it in the ways of "Preventing" them. something we all do to prevent is measure the ml of nutrients we add or adding a thermometer in the room to make sure the temps don't go above 80 and below 70.
wow. shut up gage lol.
but yeah.
Oh a little side bit. I want to add a section on advance techniques lilke scroog,lst,fim,pinch,bending, perpetual. PERPETUAL. why do so many guids talk about perpetual but never expain the dif ways to do a perpetual. I always read something like, "perpetual...harvest a couple plants ever few months..." but they never tell you to do this by introducing a couple plants every month lol. so simple. AND TAKE PICTURES!!!
No joke. All my K-12 school years i was special ed. Had problems with everything. I want this book to be simple for ME to use prior to knowing anything about cannabis.
And rant complete