Harvest & Curing How Grove Bags Work

Mar 16, 2020
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TerpLoc™ Technology by Grove Bags

Grove Bags TerpLoc™ product line is the evolution in packaging the cannabis industry has been waiting for - modified atmospheric packaging with active humidity control. Designed around the plants physiological properties, it utilizes a blend of several film layers to create the optimal cannabis climate inside every package. The bags ensure that your cannabis is kept between 58% and 62% RH when stored to maintain and enhance its color, consistency, aroma, and flavor. Because of this, our packaging saves up to 36% more terpenes and 7.25% more THC than traditional packaging methods, preserving product potency for consumers.



Oxygen & Humidity Layers
These two TerpLoc™ layers work in unison to diffuse oxygen, slowing down the respiration process and allowing excess water vapor to be diffused to prevent mold growth and preserve product potency.

Durability & Odor Layer
These two TerpLoc™ layers work in conjunction to guarantee maximum puncture resistance during packaging & transport, ensuring the potent smell of product is contained within the packaging.

UV Layer
This TerpLoc™ layer provides premium protection from harmful UV rays that continuously cause THC to degrade to CBN, decreasing the potency of packaged cannabis.

Anti-Static Layer
This TerpLoc™ layer creates a neutral charge down the packaging sidewall to prevent the trichomes that contain a significant amount of terpenes from being stripped off product.



Terpene Preservation
Terpenes, the organic compounds responsible for the taste, smell, and therapeutic properties of cannabis, are essential for maintaining cannabis synergy and are the main factor that influences the different plant profiles. Grove Bags create and maintain the perfect cannabis climate to minimize the evaporation and oxidation, ensuring maximum retention of terpenes and preservation of the benefits of cannabis synergy.


Mold Prevention
Mold can occur early on in the curing process when cannabis is not properly dried and stored. All Grove Bags have active humidity control, allowing moisture to continually flow in and out of the bags to keep levels balanced. This not only keeps your cannabis fresher for longer but also allows product to be placed in our bags sooner than our competitors.


Weight Retention
Moisture loss is a consistent problem across legal cannabis markets degrading both your product and your cash flow. The more weight your product loses while in storage, the more your profits are negatively impacted at sale. With the current industry at about 0.1g representing $1 of revenue, every gram is crucial, making investment in the best bags the make or break difference for your bottom line. Terploc™ sealing technology ensures both moisture and profit stop evaporating from your packaging.


Do I need humidity packs? Any need for vacuum sealing or nitrogen flushing!
Nope! The bags do everything themselves without the need for any extra help.

Where are your bags made?
Our packaging is manufactured entirely in the United States in the beautiful state of Ohio in order to maintain quality and support our industry.

How do I get the best results from my Grove Bags?
The biggest factor for getting the most out of your Grove Bag is to make sure your cannabis is properly dry and the inner moisture is both released and regulated. Once your cannabis is dry, heat seal the bag and store it in a cool dark room for best results. There is no need for burping.

If you'd like to learn more about our bags or check out our products, check out our web store.

+1 (216) 815-5725

1648 St Clair Ave NE
Cleveland, OH 44114

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@Mañ'O'Green @Son of Hobbes

This kinna looks like an ad.
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@Mañ'O'Green @Son of Hobbes


Thanks for looking out! We also plan to post a lot of valuable content for growers, beyond just our bags.
It would be nice if you could add more/all your products to the sampler packs. I was gonna place an order but a lot of the "window" sizes aren't available
Let's say you put in product that is drier then it should be. Would your bag rehydrate the product so to speak or does it require enough moisture in the plant material to work from the start?
Let's say you put in product that is drier then it should be. Would your bag rehydrate the product so to speak or does it require enough moisture in the plant material to work from the start?

Yes you are going to need some moisture in the plant for our packaging to rehydrate your product.