Comfrey for the win!! I have 13 or so plants. I harvest whole leaves, lay them as flat as I can and freeze them for later. They break down super fast. I like to chop them up into little pieces while they are still frozen, and top dress my no till containers. I also like to add the chopped comfrey right into a soil mix. It breaks down fast, and doesn't require 'cycling or cook time' when used this way.Haven’t got the Karanja or Comfy yet but I picked up some kelp at feed store and malted barley, need meal and alfalfa, plus rock dust and have been feeding to the worms and they LOVE IT ..... can’t wait to grow some comfy and score some Karanja ..... I’m also mining some near black leafs and have horse manure composting for 1 1/2 year now and adding more manure to pile soon ..... layering the compost, leaves and sprinkling mix on top of layers and then soaking some cotton flour sack towels in old compost teat and laying on the pile, the worms eat it up and they are getting much bigger than with the food scrapes and occasional compost, horse manure and leaves we were giving them, remarkable what the grains do..... I also layering soak plain cardboard between as well. I have several flow thru bins I’m using and have three varieties of worms, reds, Euro and Africans night crawlers.
I JSU started about month ago with the grains and results are very encouraging- I want super high quality castings .
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Leaf mold is my favorite grow medium. It holds so much more water than peat, and still remains fluffy. It is also my go to, for bedding mixes with the worms.
Last winter I did an auto grow with leaf mold only, just to see how it would perform by itself. It was a little lean on N (lighter colored leaves), but with a couple teas, was one of the best yielding plants I have ever grown.