Indoor How do you organize your data?

Sep 10, 2021
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I keep track of every feeding, the days I train, top, etc. in a spiral notebook. It worked when I was using FF trio but I’ve since switched to NFTG nute line and the amount of hand writing I’m doing to track everything is getting annoying. For people who keep track of everything, how do you organize your data?
I do Excel spread sheets. I have a sheet for my cloning and flower cycles along with a notes section for preventative sprays, ec/pH/environmentals.

I also take pictures frequently that are dated
Man, I tried to keep exacting notes of each grow but have gotten terribly lazy. I know there are a few apps out there that do that but a spreadsheet is probably simpler.

I have found the easiest way for me to record and track that information is to do a grow thread on AFN.
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Looks like excel it is, thank you both. I have a grow journal going, however I switched to only doing an update once a week because I have four plants going…two at day 40, one at day 23 and one at day 17 so I was getting overwhelmed by trying to constantly log in my binder as well as my journal on here. My notebook is logged in complete detail and my AFN journal is a basic weekly update with pics.
I just use Excel, but my mate has a colour coded calendar for his feeds. It's a lot of manual effort, so I just stick to the spreadsheets. Also, I don't know if it would be an issue where you live, but something like that is evidence of long term growing if you ever get busted.
1 on spreadsheet records. If you don't already have it, you don't need to buy Excel, OpenOffice includes good spreadsheet function in it for free.

As to the potential legal mischief, keep in mind that it is not only the rules where you live - rules where you travel can be different, and consequential. For example, getting caught with that sort of record by US border agents could get you banned from the US for life, or having to buy your way back in for an exorbitant price. I strip all electronic evidence from any device that crosses the border with me. :biggrin: