Live Stoners How did you find your way to the art of cannabis cultivation?

Apr 21, 2022
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There might be a similar or very similar thread already present somewhere on this site, I am very sorry if you feel annoyed by my new threads repetitiveness.

Hello fellow artists,
I recently browsed through tons of interesting threads within this community and asked myself, how, when and why did you start to grow your own green? Do you do it solely to harvest the final product or is there more charm to the journey of growing for you?
Of course you do not need to answer all of the questions above, pick one that you feel comfortable to write about.

For me it started when I first tried cannabis at the age of around 16. It was my first and only time as a minor because I'd rather not disturb puberty, brain development and so on. However me and a friend thought how cool it'd be if we grew our own stuff someday. Well roughly 5 years later I wanted to finally give it a go. Obviously I started the process just with the harvest in mind, but over time I actually enjoyed caring for my plants more than I imagined. A few months later and I really love gardening now. I started gathering knowledge and have expanded my garden by not just weed, but tons of other vegetables, fruits and herbs. I spent most of my time gaming before I started. Now I roam around my garden most of the day.
Kinda got addicted to gardening now :shrug:.
Started back into it after 30 year hiatus from smoking. asked friend if they had any seeds laying about and was informed I could buy em at the local head shop ( didn't even know we had a head / hydro shop in town). Started them out side while I waited on indoor setup I bought on line, was doing ok but ran into problems during flowering...starting combing the net for answers and found AFN....been here ever since. Growing, upgrading, trying new things....don't really smoke that much, an ounce would last a couple months but the soxhlet alcohol extract lets me sleep...and us old folks need our sleep.