how close can i put my 400w hps to my seedlings

Jul 14, 2022
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Hi how close can i have my 400w hps to my seedling there 8 days old i think there should be more growth at 8 days and there stretching ones been curved if u zoom in it has a kink at the bottom and a little knuckle its been like that from day 1 there in coco and hydroton the one in the cup had a bad start but grew i thought it would die
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Hi i could do that the problem is im sensitive to light it feels hot on my hand 3 ft away and i dont have true leaves yet so they are not photosynthesising
Its a 600hps? According to the first couple returns on searches as seedlings it says a 600w hps should be 45-50inches from seedlings, once they hit veg you can drop it to 35-40 inches. And during flower it can be the closest at about 2 feet.

When did your plants breach the surface? Sometimes it can take few days after the cotyledon spread open for the first true set to come in. From what I see your first true set is in. This is a lul period for most plants as its in the process of storing energy and using it at night to expand its root system. Id give it at most 3 days from when those serrated leaves came in. If it hasnt made any progress throw a thread up on the infirmary page, take a look at the info you need. It should be on the top section of the infirmary forum
Its a 600hps? According to the first couple returns on searches as seedlings it says a 600w hps should be 45-50inches from seedlings, once they hit veg you can drop it to 35-40 inches. And during flower it can be the closest at about 2 feet.

When did your plants breach the surface? Sometimes it can take few days after the cotyledon spread open for the first true set to come in. From what I see your first true set is in. This is a lul period for most plants as its in the process of storing energy and using it at night to expand its root system. Id give it at most 3 days from when those serrated leaves came in. If it hasnt made any progress throw a thread up on the infirmary page, take a look at the info you need. It should be on the top section of the infirmary forum
Also if you're using hps for keeping temps up, it'll help seedlings to have a germination heating mat under your potss to keep your rootzone in the right area. Which is 65-70°F.
Its a 600hps? According to the first couple returns on searches as seedlings it says a 600w hps should be 45-50inches from seedlings, once they hit veg you can drop it to 35-40 inches. And during flower it can be the closest at about 2 feet.

When did your plants breach the surface? Sometimes it can take few days after the cotyledon spread open for the first true set to come in. From what I see your first true set is in. This is a lul period for most plants as its in the process of storing energy and using it at night to expand its root system. Id give it at most 3 days from when those serrated leaves came in. If it hasnt made any progress throw a thread up on the infirmary page, take a look at the info you need. It should be on the top section of the infirmary forum
And im sorry my bad I thought it said 600w hps...lemme double check the info I gave you
And im sorry my bad I thought it said 600w hps...lemme double check the info I gave you
Ok my bad again 400w hps should be about 20-30inches away. Also if you can buy an infrared laser temp gun and check leaf temps as they grow. You dont want the surface of your leaf to be hotter than the air around it. Ambient air temp should be between 75-80 right now as a seedling and the rh should be in the mid 60%s to low 70%
Also if you're using hps for keeping temps up, it'll help seedlings to have a germination heating mat under your potss to keep your rootzone in the right area. Which is 65-70°F.

Hi hps are real hot its not cooled just has a shade my temps are 22c 3ft away with 400hps i use it as heating also saves money if i go to 2ft its 30c plus
Hi hps are real hot its not cooled just has a shade my temps are 22c 3ft away with 400hps i use it as heating also saves money if i go to 2ft its 30c plus
Oh i was under the impression it was in a vented hood. You might need to max out your exhaust fan to keep temps under control. If you're on a smartphone download the photone app and just try and make sure you're getting about 200-400ppfd with hps selected as lightsource, while trying to combat the heat. Its ok if its hotter you just want the humidity and temp to compliment eachother usually the humidity should be about 15 points less the temp so if the temp is 80 you want humidity to he around 65%-70%. Sorry about the conversions. Im in the states and Celsius isnt my forte, I just no 20c is about room temp lmao
infrared laser temp gun

HI i have a temp gun never new to use it on leaves also thats nice to no i also use a humidity and temp device my humidity is 40 i cant get it lower if i slow fan down it does nothing ive germinated only 8 seeds but all turned out well just slow to start every plant has been over 6ft ive not failed with a seed yet