Horticultural Lighting Group's Light Up Your Summer Grow and Show!


300L Rspec

Omg really? :bow: :woohoo:Thankyou so much... It will get a full diary, pics in its own thread plus the Dutch passion thread... This means alot to me.. More than I can put into words... I will not let you down AFN or HLG. I promote AFN when I can on my insta with all my AFN grows.. Thankyou everyone... I actually just did a little dance
Congratulations to all the testers and huge thanks for taking the time to even allow us to have the opportunity hlg I really wish u had a EU/UK based shop I'd love to grab one of those suplimental strip lights but the delivery works out half the cost of the item hopefully you can maybe get something set up over here at some point :thanks:
My choices were narrowed down for me by the Cultivar's Club mods to ten people. I chose 5 people from that then had to decide who get's what light.

First Cultivator is @Mcdee ! You'll be receiving an HLG 100

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Nice, It will look awesome in my tent! Thank you so much for the opportunity. I cant wait to test it for AFN and HLG. Stay lifted.