Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

I've chopped maybe 5 plants this morning and will do the rest later.. some of the bigger girls wanting to foxtaol a bit.. their done.. it's a wrap people.. gonna hang quite a few full plant in the tent if i can dial the humidity in.. if i can't l'll cry real tears and start hunting for brown bags.
I've chopped maybe 5 plants this morning and will do the rest later.. some of the bigger girls wanting to foxtaol a bit.. their done.. it's a wrap people.. gonna hang quite a few full plant in the tent if i can dial the humidity in.. if i can't l'll cry real tears and start hunting for brown bags.
As long as you have a fan in there dude . You will be fine. I just hang my shit up with a small fan for turbulence and I do fine. Lol
SKush SoG day 62 - Its a wrap
The last batch trimmed up.. they were cut at the main stem after this and hung in the tent.. lights off for the longest period in 10 years coming up haha