Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

I hope so m8.. she's gonna take her sweet time thats for sure :pop:
My big one i put outdoors is still not flowering so thats a bit crap so fuck knows if shes a very long auto or a very weird photo anyhow normally coco plants grow a lot quicker than soil so god knows what went wrong with both ares lol
My big one i put outdoors is still not flowering so thats a bit crap so fuck knows if shes a very long auto or a very weird photo anyhow normally coco plants grow a lot quicker than soil so god knows what went wrong with both ares lol

This strain def wasn't one to try for a quick finisher bro but I didn't bother to check out any other grows of it until it was up already so was too l8 by then lol I just hope she flowers well and makes the wait worthwhile cuz at this moment in time I'm thinking 12 weeks minimum fs. My toof decay might be down sooner and it's 17 days behind this yoke from seed :crying:
This strain def wasn't one to try for a quick finisher bro but I didn't bother to check out any other grows of it until it was up already so was too l8 by then lol I just hope she flowers well and makes the wait worthwhile cuz at this moment in time I'm thinking 12 weeks minimum fs. My toof decay might be down sooner and it's 17 days behind this yoke from seed :crying:
didn't I see your going with autopots with coco for the sssc grow off I used them for many years mate in fact most of my real show stopper plants were in them so I reckon its a good move also the only reason I'm not doing coco this round is I blame you and rusty for getting me interested in fucking soil :bong: also I'm only buzzing but I'm so excited to start the sohum even though the eco life impressed me
didn't I see your going with autopots with coco for the sssc grow off I used them for many years mate in fact most of my real show stopper plants were in them so I reckon its a good move also the only reason I'm not doing coco this round is I blame you and rusty for getting me interested in fucking soil :bong: also I'm only buzzing but I'm so excited to start the sohum even though the eco life impressed me

Started you on the soil then went the other way m8 lol rusty back in the muck I see tho and I'm still using the light mix as well.. just haven't tried my dry amendments yet.. 6 months later :crying: I've seen your autopot coco plants bro.. many of them.. if I get anywhere close to that standard I'll shite ma pants :jointman: I'll be continuing with the AN pH perfect coco nutes and not measuring pH so fingers crossed. Not 1 pH measurement taken so far on this coco white widow so the pH perfect claim is holding up so far. My gogo in lightmix gettin into her last few weeks now.. excited to see how she finishes up. I hear only good things about the Sohum so can't wait to see how that goes for ya :thumbsup::pop:
Gogo Bush day 67..

Couple weeks yet til she's done I'd guess.