New Grower Honey's Journey

You will get it fine tuned. Maybe try turning your AC on and tonight before you go to bed close up the closet door.It should retain enough heat to keep the temp from dropping too much. If they were outside they would experience temperature and humidity changes. That's my theory.
Hello @Honeybfly I was told by a friend of yours, you are having some nagging problems. I would like to get these taken care of for you. Send me a pm if you are interested.
Also, I will say run the lights at night. If you are having heat issues. The heat of the day will only compound the problem. I always try to work with mother nature. She is not one you want to fight.
Hello @Honeybfly I was told by a friend of yours, you are having some nagging problems. I would like to get these taken care of for you. Send me a pm if you are interested.
Also, I will say run the lights at night. If you are having heat issues. The heat of the day will only compound the problem. I always try to work with mother nature. She is not one you want to fight.

+1. I run my lights at night on an 18/6 schedule and it worked out good.
+1. I run my lights at night on an 18/6 schedule and it worked out good.
Thanks as of right now my lights are off an i reset my hygrometer an im reading rh 42 temp 72 hope thats good for night time an no lights....My lights will be back on around 5am ill probably check it one more time before I hit he sack. Time will tell. Thanks again
:smoking:Temps are the same as of 30 mins ago. I decided to keep a log of temps an rh for the next two weeks or so every 4 hours. It might be taking it to the extreme but these are my babies. lol I have new borns in the house. I just want to see how much it goes up an down. I need to raise this babies into fine young house women.:cheers:. I'm off to bed and turn the brain off. Thank you everyone for your help and support. I don't know what I would do with out y'all. Greatly appreciated
Lights off don't worry unless everything goes off..... I have to leave my exhaust fan run 24/7. If I shut it off at lights out humidity rises to 60-80% and cant have that I'm within 7 days from an axe... :D
I recommend everyone keep the exhaust running 24hrs. There is never a time to stop the fresh air, unless co2 enriching. It is also bad for the fan to turn on at less than 100% power. The brushings will wear out. If you have no speed controller, that does not apply.
Morning, Rh47 temp 84 lights on. I never shut my exhaust off

Your ambient air temps will definitely affect the temps inside your tent. Your flaps open so your exhaust is essentially sucking outside air in, goes through your carbon filter and finally exhausted. So if you want cooler temps, you'd need to adjust your ambient temp to around 70-75 degrees. 84 degrees isn't too bad though, you'll be fine.