New Grower Honey's Journey

Over a week I took all the fan leaves off. Does look different. We will see. I'm interested in seeing if she's going to turn purplish. But I'm getting a feeling the company might have giving me a different seed. She should have some purples by now. Only time will tell

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The old berry bob can turn blue/ purple too, I think the conditions need to be really cool at night for them to turn though
Ooh, well ibrun like 68-71 at night

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I've only recently stumbled across this info the other day (think it was on bomb seeds site), so I've been trying to figure out how lower my temp at night in an attempt to turn her blau.
Idk why I thought of this but what should humidity be at in my tent? During veg? Could this be my yellowing of my leaves. Idk just asking. Never knew what the humidity needed to be. My humidity is in the mid 30's is this good

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Update. My ladies stop stretching well two of them have. Berry Bomb is a half inch taller. I am suppose to start bloom this Friday. I think I at wait till then seeing how I took fan l we Aves off each of the an that might be whty their not stretching . Berry Bomb has some amber/orange colors going on. I hope you can see it in the pic. Very slight coloring but OMG so perdy. I never thought I'd see this day. So here they are.

Berry Bomb 1'1" tall

California Snow 1'7"

Dark Devil 2'1"

So perdy. I hope I yeild something. Beginning to get doubtful.

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I need to get myself a humidity gauge too, maybe a humidifier too