New Grower Honey's Journey

I am doing homemade organic mix my Ph is bouncing between 7.0 an 7.5 . I don't have dolomite right now soni was looking for a remedy for Ph down. But now I am not to sure, since your saying soil is okay at7.0..
Are you in soil? Nutes or organic? Sorry, haven't been all the way thru your thread yet. If its organic, put 2 teaspoons of dolomite lime in a gallon of room temp water, shake or mix it good and water with it. It will neutralize your soil. Lemon juice, yes, is a good ph down. your soil should stay around 7. If organic, you should do the lime and wait for it to self correct. Organic is pretty forgiving compared to feeding packaged nutrients.
I am using homemade organic mix with fish elmusion right now. All organic
If you use compost teas, use them sparingly. they tend to have a low ph and will lower soil ph. use no more than once a month. i personally have seen no need for them. A good fresh mix, should need nothing but water start to finish! The most I ever do is top dress once with worm castings blended 50/50 with soil to prevent it from forming a hard crust on the soil. It give a fresh shot of nutrients and beneficial bacteria.

I am using homemade organic mix with fish elmusion right now. All organic
The ain thing is that uve recognised the issue and and are dealing with it the best u can keep the chin up n March on ill also tag @namvet25 to have a look from what iv seen is pretty good at these things
The ain thing is that uve recognised the issue and and are dealing with it the best u can keep the chin up n March on ill also tag @namvet25 to have a look from what iv seen is pretty good at these things
Thanks Bailey, I was talking to him in private message but maybe if he seen more it might help. Thanks
I feel like Berry bomb slowed down in growth. She's grown an inch in 5 days. Whats do you guys think? My other two are at or above two feet and she hasn't gotten their yet. Just curious. Ill have a measurement update in a bit
Looks like light nute burn...could even be closer to ph/roots related