Hole prep for the next grow - a discussion

Growing near to the Sea I have a regular routine for what I do with my holes when packing them up for the winter.

Beforehand I have picked a lot of seakelp and seaweed, which I've had outside so rain can flush the salts. I then chop it up and add it to the holes.

Also I fish a lot of these small fish you get nearby shore in Norway (add some mussel to the hook and you get a bite every time, can pull up 30-40 in an hour).

I chop these up as well, add lawnmowed grass and mix it all up in the hole. Then I spread a layer of mulch on top to aid with heat creation (put your hand in a pile of mulched grass, the gasses generate heat).

Holes just keep getting better and better, year by year :smoking:

I hear fish compost is incredible stuff! Unfortunately, I have to buy kelp and there isn’t any way to get fish in that quantity. Besides, I don’t think inland fish are nearly as good as cold water ocean fish. You’re very lucky.
I stalled out on the holes for a while but will start back on them shortly. Work got crazy for several months. We did get past the flooding although rivers and ponds are still at historic heights. The weather continues to be weird, though. No freezes at all which will make for LOADS of bugs this spring/summer if it doesn’t change soon. On the bright side, digging those giant holes is a lot more pleasant in the 50°’s and 60°’s than it was at 95°to 100°!

Thanks for asking!!

Great. Keep us posted on those future monster trees!