Nutrients Hold a newbs hand

Jun 28, 2022
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I’m having issues of yellow leaves, some brown spots, some brown on leaf edges. I just cleaned out Autopot system today and changed nutrients to ILGMs flower nutes and calmag. I’d like to send to flower soon any guidance is greatly appreciated. PH around 6.4

ak47 photos week 8 of grow
Fox farm happy frog soil
Clay pebbles on bottom
Advanced nutrients coco grow part A/B
2nd week of cal mag


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I'm not sure where to start..... I see soil as the medium and coco specific nutrient line? Also the layer of clay pebbles isn't helping you. The layering creates hydrologic barriers where the wicking effect won't be as good since the water will have to reach the soil through the pebbles before being drawn up. I'm not an autopot expert but let me tag a couple guys I know who are.

@St. Tom
@Olderfart (I could be wrong on this one but i think he runs APs)
AFN's Infirmary where AFN Staff will try to provide quick reliable Answers to all your plant Problems.
The main Infirmary Staff are Waira, and namvet25


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I suggest you try here....might get better answers ...@Blue is another with good auto pot knowledge...
I’m having issues of yellow leaves, some brown spots, some brown on leaf edges. I just cleaned out Autopot system today and changed nutrients to ILGMs flower nutes and calmag. I’d like to send to flower soon any guidance is greatly appreciated. PH around 6.4

ak47 photos week 8 of grow
Fox farm happy frog soil
Clay pebbles on bottom
Advanced nutrients coco grow part A/B
2nd week of cal mag
As already mentioned a layer of pebbles is a bad idea with autopots. You are better off in my opinion to forget about so called "drainage" layer in the bottom of autopot setups, other perhaps than a higher percent of perlite in the bottom inch or so to ensure that the actual flood zone is encouraged to drain well and aerate during the fill and absorption cycle. Bottom line for me is that you absolutely need wicking material (read a proportion of fines) all the way to the bottom of the pot to enable upwards wicking of water and/or nutes. A completely coarse layer will not wick sufficient water up into the rest of the pot. In my opinion at least, the online advice at the Autopot website is incorrect in this advice, at least when it comes to fabric pots that I have used the system with.
As to airdomes, I don't use them, and never have. I doubt that they accomplish much. Most peeps who pay attention and report results seem to find not much difference if any, so for me they are not worth the extra complexity.

As mentioned also, you should post your enquiry in the infirmary section, and please fill in the form as it helps more knowledgeable peeps than me figure out what is going on. I suspect that your ph may be a bit high, but you will get more informed help in the infirmary section.

Good luck with it. :goodluck: :pighug:
@Olderfart thanks for the reply. The majority of the information I consumed on Autopot grows had clay pebbles on bottom and when they harvested the roots were all over the clay pebbles…..looked like strong root structure. I think I’ll do as suggested next grow and simplify by removing the airdomes layer of perlite then soil. I’m going to order the mega crop nutes, run them through the upcoming flower cycle and next full grow. Guess I’ll try to get them a bit healthier then send to flower and see what happens .
@Olderfart thanks for the reply. The majority of the information I consumed on Autopot grows had clay pebbles on bottom and when they harvested the roots were all over the clay pebbles…..looked like strong root structure. I think I’ll do as suggested next grow and simplify by removing the airdomes layer of perlite then soil. I’m going to order the mega crop nutes, run them through the upcoming flower cycle and next full grow. Guess I’ll try to get them a bit healthier then send to flower and see what happens .
Your plants don't look to bad yet, but you might get useful information in the infirmary section.

The clay balls are a bit different than some "drainage" material. I haven't used them, but they seem to wick a bit themselves, so you would likely get away better with them than you would with impermeable stuff. Bottom line for me is that I had super dense healthy roots all the way down with nothing other than ~40% perlite in the coco of my coco grow, and maybe a bit less perlite in my soil grow. Anything more than a bit of extra perlite in the bottom inch or so is not necessary, and may hamper wicking into the rest of the pot.

Good luck with it, you are in the right spot for getting some advice. :pighug: :cheers:
@Olderfart thanks for the reply. The majority of the information I consumed on Autopot grows had clay pebbles on bottom and when they harvested the roots were all over the clay pebbles…..looked like strong root structure. I think I’ll do as suggested next grow and simplify by removing the airdomes layer of perlite then soil. I’m going to order the mega crop nutes, run them through the upcoming flower cycle and next full grow. Guess I’ll try to get them a bit healthier then send to flower and see what happens .
If you go for the Megacrop, you might get the two part. @Mañ'O'Green has worked out a good schedule for the two part. I don't have a quick link, but he will likely chime in with it for you.

Good luck with it. :goodluck: :cheers:
I just use fresh Happy Frog soil right down to the copper disc for each grow. Lasts about 4 weeks, through the hand water phase, then start in with MegaCrop ( 1 part ) 4.5 grams with .5 gram of Epsom salt in RO water. Seems to do OK.