Indoor Hocus Pocus! Durrty Magic!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
I've been given Durrty Magic seeds for a test grow. this has been a long time in waiting, I apologize for the delay!

They were soaked for 24hrs ( I usually do 12hrs or less ). Then about a day in paper towel. I planted them last night before bed, along with a cross I'm testing of my own, Critcal x Dragon's Blood. I'll grow these together as a joint test!

Looks like one DM won't make it so I think I'll soak another to replace it. It was likely my fault, I left them in the paper towel too long. They had a tap root 4 inches long in a day!

durrty magic -3-9-2016.jpg
Nice growing plant you got there @pop22 ,I have three going myself..they will do ya right !!!
Well, it turned out to be a male so I pulled it. However, I have a few more so I'll re-plant tomorrow and give this a better go this time! May send them out to the greenhouse.
Yes definitely a male, not a hermie. But you can get an occassional male with fem seed, its not 100% and not the first I've found. Hell i found one in Mephisto seeds.

Lets see what the other do.

Sorry Pop are you saying the Duurty Magic, turned out to be a male? Those are fem seeds
No, thank you for providing the testers and Its not a loss for me, just a disappointment as I want to see a female to completion! I'll grow more and give them a proper grow, nothing was going right for me at the start.

Thanks for the clarification, sorry to hear about your bad luck