HLG 135 V2 RSpec Hanging Questions

Mar 3, 2020
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Hey guys,

first time grower using a 135w v2 rspec quantum board

Do you all have any suggestions for hanging height and power settings for this light from seed to harvest?

I want to get the settings right by affecting the hanging height more than the dimming if possible but I’m open to whatever

They don’t have any materials on their site and looking on the internet gives me plenty of different answers. I’m worried I’ll burn the plants.

Please let me know, thanks!
I have a 135W QB (3000k, not rspec) and I try to keep it at least 18" from the canopy, ideally around 20", which is consistent with HLG's recommendations. I've found that if it gets closer, the plants will show signs of light stress -- it looks like a magnesium deficiency (pale green or yellow between leaf veins), but only in the very top part of the canopy closest to the lights, rather than starting from the lower/older growth like a typical magnesium deficiency. As far as I know, I haven't otherwise had magnesium issues.

I shoot for a relatively consistent distance and adjust the dimmer. I start around 70W for seedlings, and then gradually increase through maybe 120W in veg, up to 135W in flower, watching how the plants react as I change the light. I'm measuring the wattage with a Kill-a-Watt.

I've read about people in a perpetual grow keeping the light at a fixed distance and letting the plants grow toward it, but that might depend on how tall the strains get.
18-20 based on my experience. Those little QB’s are flamethrowers
I have a 135W QB (3000k, not rspec) and I try to keep it at least 18" from the canopy, ideally around 20", which is consistent with HLG's recommendations. I've found that if it gets closer, the plants will show signs of light stress -- it looks like a magnesium deficiency (pale green or yellow between leaf veins), but only in the very top part of the canopy closest to the lights, rather than starting from the lower/older growth like a typical magnesium deficiency. As far as I know, I haven't otherwise had magnesium issues.

I shoot for a relatively consistent distance and adjust the dimmer. I start around 70W for seedlings, and then gradually increase through maybe 120W in veg, up to 135W in flower, watching how the plants react as I change the light. I'm measuring the wattage with a Kill-a-Watt.

I've read about people in a perpetual grow keeping the light at a fixed distance and letting the plants grow toward it, but that might depend on how tall the strains get.

@parsing_trees ok cool I have mine around 60w and was thinking around 20-24. Thanks for confirming for me

I built mine with a 150w driver instead of the 120w one it comes eith, if you could ramp up the power past 135w for flower would you? Why or why not? I want to be able to increase my yields with more wattage but don't want to drop the sun in my tent just to scotch everything
According to my Kill-a-Watt, mine goes well past 135W, up to 150-160W. I wouldn't be surprised if increasing the wattage well past 135W gets diminishing returns for photosynthetically useful light, though, and may be hard on the device? (Also, you never said what size tent...I have a 2x2'.)