Hlg 135 rspec questions

@Marthajeep @LandShark would you recommend your 135w rspec v2 over the spider farmer sf1000? And if so would you suggest an acrylic sheet to cover the light or as is?
I would reccomend the HLG over Spider Farmer based on reputation and proven track record. I was under the impression that SF was relatively new, although I have seen some positive reviews of the brand.
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@LandShark do you worry about the exposed diodes at all and damaging them with humidity or anything? Or worry about stripping the thread on the plastic screw to dim/brighten via the driver?
@LandShark do you worry about the exposed diodes at all and damaging them with humidity or anything? Or worry about stripping the thread on the plastic screw to dim/brighten via the driver?
Funny you should ask. Last night I deemed a seed non viable so I turned everything off while I started a new seed. Or so I thought. I walked by the tent this afternoon and noticed a ton of vapor coming out of the observation vent. I looked in and couldn’t see the bottom of the tent. I forgot to turn off the humidifier. My hygrometer read almost 93%! So I opened it up for a few hours, turned on the fans, and checked the lights. I just purchased the hlg to replace my vipar. The hlg fired right up, but the vipar was flickering so I turned it off. I checked a few minutes ago and the hlg is running like a champ. On the other hand, the vipar stays on with both nobs turned off on the bloom side, full strength until I switch it on. Then it dims as usual. So if you were to do an experiment at the cost of a brand new light, my situation would fit the bill. I’m so impressed with my new light and recommend it hands down.

As for the dimmer screw, my kit came with a smaller philips head screwdriver that fits the screw head perfectly. I was a bit concerned with some posts talking about stripping too. Actually read those after I ordered it. After assembly, which is easy enough for an 8th grader, I tried the dimmer out. It turns with zero resistance! Maybe they have improved in recent models, idk, but everything about that light is exceptional. I hope that my mistake and impressions are of some help. I have no affiliation with hlg, just got lucky with research after throwing my money away on the stupid vipar. Cheers!
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@Marthajeep @LandShark would you recommend your 135w rspec v2 over the spider farmer sf1000? And if so would you suggest an acrylic sheet to cover the light or as is?
I can only vouch for the hlg, but I’ve seen some mixed reviews on the SF. Mostly temperature issues. Had an issue today that I just posted about in this thread. Check it out, might help your decision if it hasn’t already been made.
@Marthajeep wow I'm sorry to hear about the experience but I'm glad to learn through what happened to you, I think I am getting the 135w v2 rspec kit your extreme sample is plenty to put me at ease
Funny you should ask. Last night I deemed a seed non viable so I turned everything off while I started a new seed. Or so I thought. I walked by the tent this afternoon and noticed a ton of vapor coming out of the observation vent. I looked in and couldn’t see the bottom of the tent. I forgot to turn off the humidifier. My hygrometer read almost 93%! So I opened it up for a few hours, turned on the fans, and checked the lights. I just purchased the hlg to replace my vipar. The hlg fired right up, but the vipar was flickering so I turned it off. I checked a few minutes ago and the hlg is running like a champ. On the other hand, the vipar stays on with both nobs turned off on the bloom side, full strength until I switch it on. Then it dims as usual. So if you were to do an experiment at the cost of a brand new light, my situation would fit the bill. I’m so impressed with my new light and recommend it hands down.

As for the dimmer screw, my kit came with a smaller philips head screwdriver that fits the screw head perfectly. I was a bit concerned with some posts talking about stripping too. Actually read those after I ordered it. After assembly, which is easy enough for an 8th grader, I tried the dimmer out. It turns with zero resistance! Maybe they have improved in recent models, idk, but everything about that light is exceptional. I hope that my mistake and impressions are of some help. I have no affiliation with hlg, just got lucky with research after throwing my money away on the stupid vipar. Cheers!
I did the same thing a month ago. I left the humidifier running but turned off the fans for a few(90) minutes or so. It looked like a Cloud in my tent but my QB96's just kept running. 30 minutes later the humidty was back down to 35%.
@LandShark do you worry about the exposed diodes at all and damaging them with humidity or anything? Or worry about stripping the thread on the plastic screw to dim/brighten via the driver?
As far as damaging the diodes, the fixture has 4 adjustable little legs that thread into the heat sink plate so if you needed to set it down you wouldn't be setting it directly on the diodes. I have yet to adjust the driver so I can't speak as to stripping the screw. HLG is a top notch outfit though so I can't imagine them cheaping out on it.
I did the same thing a month ago. I left the humidifier running but turned off the fans for a few(90) minutes or so. It looked like a Cloud in my tent but my QB96's just kept running. 30 minutes later the humidty was back down to 35%.
Nice to know I’m not the only one, unfortunately for me I shut things down before bed last night and didn’t have a reason to go in the other room until this afternoon. So for me it was about 12 hours. Just glad I didn’t kill my new light and also learned how durable it is. Won’t make that mistake again. Oh, I just rechecked my vipar and it’s running normal again, not that that’s a major victory, but hey I already spent the money, maybe I’ll get some use out of it for a separate mini veg tent or something. Hate wasting $.