Indoor Himalaya Orange Diesel test thread


Galactic Travler
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Next round.




Himalaya Orange Diesel
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What's up AFN it's time for round 2 of the Short Stuff testing. This round will be the Short Stuff :Himalaya Orange Diesel. I grew this plant already and let me tell ya she a hardy girl with an ability to pull well over 100 grams dry in the right hands. If you like citrus this is the strain for you.

We need 5 testers total . We already have @Corgy on deck so that takes us down to 4 slots remaining. You need to be able to drop the beans soon, like as close to the arrival to you as possible. You also need to have AT LEAST 1 DOCUMENTED GROW WITH AFN.

Ok guys who wants in?

More strain details to come
I would love to get involved! I dont have a grow journal posted yet but i have enough material to create one on a grow with about five weeks left would this suffice or is completion an absolute necessity? I could plant the bean the moment it arrives and would love the opportunity to document some serious genetics here on afn!

Hello my friend. I'm sorry but I must stick to the rules in this situation. Let me explain.
The documented grow rules does a few things. It ensures (for the company were testing for) that the member getting the beans is an established member that A. Will not just run off with the beans B. Has the experience needed to grow the product and showcase what the strain can do. ( grow the plant to completelion)

It also is a way to reward those member who are active in the community and take the time to share and document grows with us.

This is in no way trying to keep the new guys out of anything and I hope you understand where were coming from my friend. These sorts of thing pop up frequently so get yourself a journal going and document a strain. I'll put you on my secret list and next time I catch wind of one of these test runs I'll def put your name in the hat.:pass: