New Grower himalaya blue diesel

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9 grams ....and its all tiny ass buds so im not very pleased with this harvest idk what happened but i got another couple seeds goin now see what happens i wont let this stop me from tryin again hopefully this blue mystic will turn out better but since its a reg pheno i gotta start worryin about height issues
you will do better next time keep it up. i had good fortune with these before and enjoyed the smoke so relax and smoke some nice bud and review your log and find out where things started going off.
Ya stick with it bro. You can only get better. I don't even know if I'll get 9g from my first grow but I could not be more happier cuz I grew it myself. I just have to say congratz my friend and thumbs up on the 9g you grew yourself :D :smokeit: :peace:
If you follow a sensible cure regieme the aromas and flavor will come through after a short period of time :D But be patient and stay with it.

Freshly cut floral clusters will most likely smell a lot like cut grass :smokeit: this is due to high levels of chloroform and water remaining in the product. For a short period time after the cola is removed, metabolic processes still continue to occur very much like the ripening processes that take place in fruit following harvest. Try not to handle the product too much since the heat from your hands is likely to damage the stalked trichomes. Here's a good thread you might find useful

Thanks to the Buddah Man for sharing his expertise..

Don't be disappointed with your harvest. This is a special time for you. Strive for quality rather than quantity and you will appriciate it in the end..
- a quality harvest arises with care, attention and patience :hump:

Congratulations you have a nice plant there. Good work
- Happy plants live with happy people :thumbs:
Muddy - The blueberry smell should come out more as it cures. Just make sure you vent your jars daily. When I vent I like to smell them as soon as I open the jars. At first it will smell sour. As it cures the sour odor will go away and replaced by the blueberry...

I hadn't notice this post seems this has been covered already.

The full cure may take some time but you will see a change happening soon. Let us know how thing turn out and good luck :D
I know you are disappointed but between dropping the heater on them, then the high temperatures, you still managed to get a small harvest. Plus you gained some valuable experience. You'll do better next time.

9 grams ....and its all tiny ass buds so im not very pleased with this harvest idk what happened but i got another couple seeds goin now see what happens i wont let this stop me from tryin again hopefully this blue mystic will turn out better but since its a reg pheno i gotta start worryin about height issues
i never dropped the heater on her i put the heater in the room nd it just got to hot and yea i mean the harvest is better than nothin but i do got a question would say four to five 100 w equvilent cfls get me threw veg with one plant in a very small room ? i mean muddy you seen pics of my closet its like three ft by two foot by three foot not very much room i got more but im wonderin if waitin till they start to flower would give me better results? and ive gutted my room and moved things around a bit to try to use what light i got better pics commin soon!

ps. thanks to everyone whos helped out along the way its much easier when you have knowledgeable people in your corner!
Sorry, I deal with so many people sometimes it's hard to keep everyone's grows straight. If memory serves me, those 100 watt equivalents are actually 23 watts? Four of those should do nicely to veg 1-2 plants. I run a separate veg area with a 175 watt MH and 4 of those CFLs. I can veg up to 24 plants at a time in 4.5" square by 5" pots. I try to start them about 3 weeks before the current grow is finished so that they are sexed and ready to go under the veg light as soon as the the others are finished. That way I can turn my veg area over about every 8 weeks. If you've got the room, IMO that is the way to go.
i belive there 26 w but it might be 23. but yea i could imagine how much reading you do a day you do a great job here but yeah since im not runnin a auto this grow i figured for just vegging it i could run four cfls from up top then when its ready to cut the lights back i was gonna add my light spliters where i can put two lights into one outlet and id have four to eight lights around the outer edge of the plant and four to eight up top (ofcourse id have to go buy more lights but thats ok)