New Grower Hi can the seed get stuck to the shoot part?


Shit happens
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
hello im growing auto bubblegum from 00seeds.after two days something came out of the soil pot. it was the seed cracked open stuck to the sapling coming out sensing light. is that normal to occur?

PS growing in peat moss compost mix in tropical climate zonethank you
Yeah that's pretty normal, it's extremely fragile at this stage, so beware not to mess with it much. It'll shed the seed husk in a few days as the leaves unfurl :)
If it is on more than a day,

put a drop of water on it, let it set 15 minutes and "Lift" the seed shuck off from the side.

A second drop of water and 15 minute wait may be necessary.

It works well for me.

And I am sure I don't need to tell you to be VERY careful

My Two Cents

thanks for speedy replies :D

i read somewhere that it gets its nutrients from the seed in the germination phase. its been five days since potting and one day since the seed is stuck to the sapling. so should i remove or let it remove itself??

i would like to share the pics also. one of the leaves seems to be cut. it was there since the start i think.
Yeah man like Antro and brother Eekerman said its common but sometimes after removing the hush the skin of the husk will hold into the leaves n suction them all together in a clump.extra care needs to be taken in that regard too.but i couldnt see any pics man so not sure whatcha mean man.but also it it stays all clumped or the husk stays on for too long it'll stunt and shock the growth pretty good leading and directly causing a runt.but if you can get a cpl pics up that I can see Id be happy to lend ya my opinion.

I tend to like a spray bottle n mist the seedling a few times a day just to moisten the husk like Eek's water method which ive used with excellent sucess as well.
having some trouble with uploading sorry

ill try once more
having some trouble with uploading sorry

ill try once more

When you hit reply if you look at the top of the box you'll see a tree in a frame click that, then click from computer then hit brows that will take you to take them off your comp.

pics are in smaller pot shifted it into larger pot today only
yeah i didnt have a usb cable so had to upload from phone and download from computer