Live Stoners Hey, I'm The New Guy


So Long, Long Gone
Jan 15, 2020
Reaction score
Hey all.

Been lurking the forums for a while, decided to officially join the community after seeing how positive and friendly people are - especially compared to other cannabis communities online. Don't like to talk much about myself, but here's a little introduction to who I am...

I live up in Canada, where we enjoy the fruits of federal legalization (of course, I hope our fellow toking brothers and sisters around the world have their day soon). We also enjoy the fruits of abject misery in winter, where today I had to take my dog outside in -41C.

Anyway, like many I enjoyed smoking a joint occasionally in my teenage years. Left it behind after highschool, then it became legalized and I began using it to treat my anxiety, depression, pain, and especially sleep. Of course, I also enjoy the recreational side as well! Not sure if I'd classify myself as an "advanced" user, probably closer to intermediate. I do consume cannabis (usually through dry herb vape) every night.

Became interested in growing my own, since we can legally grow 4 plants. Discovered autoflower cannabis, started researching like a man possessed, and put together a small, low-budget grow setup. Now I have my equipment, just waiting on some Northern Lights auto seeds. It's my hope that I can learn from the incredible minds that visit these forums and someday have enough expertise to help other growers.

Glad to join this community - I'm looking forward to making friends, learning lots, and (hopefully) growing some delicious bud.
hi and welcome :pass: ahh heya GG :pass:not a stones throw away :smoking:
can get fancy if ya want,but dont need much more than a cupboard to sustain .....a heavy user :baked: an apple a day and all that :coffee::smoking:
start a journal up if ya wanna share some pics :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit
Hey all.

Been lurking the forums for a while, decided to officially join the community after seeing how positive and friendly people are - especially compared to other cannabis communities online. Don't like to talk much about myself, but here's a little introduction to who I am...

I live up in Canada, where we enjoy the fruits of federal legalization (of course, I hope our fellow toking brothers and sisters around the world have their day soon). We also enjoy the fruits of abject misery in winter, where today I had to take my dog outside in -41C.

Anyway, like many I enjoyed smoking a joint occasionally in my teenage years. Left it behind after highschool, then it became legalized and I began using it to treat my anxiety, depression, pain, and especially sleep. Of course, I also enjoy the recreational side as well! Not sure if I'd classify myself as an "advanced" user, probably closer to intermediate. I do consume cannabis (usually through dry herb vape) every night.

Became interested in growing my own, since we can legally grow 4 plants. Discovered autoflower cannabis, started researching like a man possessed, and put together a small, low-budget grow setup. Now I have my equipment, just waiting on some Northern Lights auto seeds. It's my hope that I can learn from the incredible minds that visit these forums and someday have enough expertise to help other growers.

Glad to join this community - I'm looking forward to making friends, learning lots, and (hopefully) growing some delicious bud.

welcome pal,,,:toke::welcome:

Allways exciting a first grow ,, keep it simple and youlle be smoking your own bud before you know it :headbang:
:welcome: Sounds like we’re in the same neck of the woods! Weatherman is calling for -50c winds tomorrow morning :doh:. Best of luck growing! You’re in the right place if you wanna learn anything about it :thumbsup:

Thanks for the welcome! -50c, good night of living that's brutal. Been through more than a few of those temps over the years, have always thought about heading somewhere warmer but I love Canada too much haha.

hi and welcome :pass: ahh heya GG :pass:not a stones throw away :smoking:
can get fancy if ya want,but dont need much more than a cupboard to sustain .....a heavy user :baked: an apple a day and all that :coffee::smoking:
start a journal up if ya wanna share some pics :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit

Thank you for the welcome! I'll definitely be starting a journal to track my grow and share progress - just as soon as those darn seeds come in the mail. It's like being a kid again and having to wait for Christmas.

welcome pal,,,:toke::welcome:

Allways exciting a first grow ,, keep it simple and youlle be smoking your own bud before you know it :headbang:

Thanks for the welcome! I appreciate the encouragement, I'm going to keep my first grow as simple as I can to make troubleshooting easier if (when) things go pear-shaped.

Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome, it's much appreciated!
Hey all.

Been lurking the forums for a while, decided to officially join the community after seeing how positive and friendly people are - especially compared to other cannabis communities online. Don't like to talk much about myself, but here's a little introduction to who I am...

I live up in Canada, where we enjoy the fruits of federal legalization (of course, I hope our fellow toking brothers and sisters around the world have their day soon). We also enjoy the fruits of abject misery in winter, where today I had to take my dog outside in -41C.

Anyway, like many I enjoyed smoking a joint occasionally in my teenage years. Left it behind after highschool, then it became legalized and I began using it to treat my anxiety, depression, pain, and especially sleep. Of course, I also enjoy the recreational side as well! Not sure if I'd classify myself as an "advanced" user, probably closer to intermediate. I do consume cannabis (usually through dry herb vape) every night.

Became interested in growing my own, since we can legally grow 4 plants. Discovered autoflower cannabis, started researching like a man possessed, and put together a small, low-budget grow setup. Now I have my equipment, just waiting on some Northern Lights auto seeds. It's my hope that I can learn from the incredible minds that visit these forums and someday have enough expertise to help other growers.

Glad to join this community - I'm looking forward to making friends, learning lots, and (hopefully) growing some delicious bud.

Hey @HumbleToker great to have ya on board the good ship AFN.. Very friendly bunch.. I'm sure you'll learn all u need to know from these pages :jointman: good luck with your grow.. Tag me in for the journey when your up and runnin:d5:
Recent Northern Lights grow on AFN have been known to take noticebly longer then other autos.(I'm at day 116)
I'ld start some Fast Buds at the same time if you have space...
Good luck,keep warm and careful of the dog's paw! !
Hey all.

Been lurking the forums for a while, decided to officially join the community after seeing how positive and friendly people are - especially compared to other cannabis communities online. Don't like to talk much about myself, but here's a little introduction to who I am...

I live up in Canada, where we enjoy the fruits of federal legalization (of course, I hope our fellow toking brothers and sisters around the world have their day soon). We also enjoy the fruits of abject misery in winter, where today I had to take my dog outside in -41C.

Anyway, like many I enjoyed smoking a joint occasionally in my teenage years. Left it behind after highschool, then it became legalized and I began using it to treat my anxiety, depression, pain, and especially sleep. Of course, I also enjoy the recreational side as well! Not sure if I'd classify myself as an "advanced" user, probably closer to intermediate. I do consume cannabis (usually through dry herb vape) every night.

Became interested in growing my own, since we can legally grow 4 plants. Discovered autoflower cannabis, started researching like a man possessed, and put together a small, low-budget grow setup. Now I have my equipment, just waiting on some Northern Lights auto seeds. It's my hope that I can learn from the incredible minds that visit these forums and someday have enough expertise to help other growers.

Glad to join this community - I'm looking forward to making friends, learning lots, and (hopefully) growing some delicious bud.

NL for the wait...i mean win! :yay: heya @HumbleToker and :welcome: to afn! :toke: gen fyi -> ya don't need a million dollar setup in order to grow decent weed for urself, plain & simple ;) great commune here with a mellow vibe & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

Hey @HumbleToker great to have ya on board the good ship AFN.. Very friendly bunch.. I'm sure you'll learn all u need to know from these pages :jointman: good luck with your grow.. Tag me in for the journey when your up and runnin:d5:

Thanks for the welcome! Everyone seems really friendly here, which is awesome. Hard to find good people on the internet sometimes. Will definitely let folks know when I fire up my grow journal!

Recent Northern Lights grow on AFN have been known to take noticebly longer then other autos.(I'm at day 116)
I'ld start some Fast Buds at the same time if you have space...
Good luck,keep warm and careful of the dog's paw! !

Thanks for the welcome, and the advice on NL grows. Unfortunately I won't have the space to start more seeds on this grow, but I'll absolutely look into Fast Buds seeds for the next round.

Oh, and since you mentioned the dog I decided to do that annoying dog-owner thing... and add a couple photos of my sweetie to this post. She stays nice and warm! And gives me dirty looks when we can't go for our usual walk because of cold temps.


NL for the wait...i mean win! :yay: heya @HumbleToker and :welcome: to afn! :toke: gen fyi -> ya don't need a million dollar setup in order to grow decent weed for urself, plain & simple ;) great commune here with a mellow vibe & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:


Thanks for the welcome! I'm really excited for my seeds to come in so I can start my grow journey. After seeing so many people successfully growing on everything from top-dollar advanced setups to growing in an old computer case, I have a little more confidence than I did 6 months ago.