Live Stoners Hey AFN folk, total newbie first grow.

Kahdboahd Growah.

I don't even know what I know!
Mar 5, 2017
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Hello Everyone, boys and girls!
I am totally new to the whole growing scene, been a smoker for quite some time. I'm from Maine, which I'm sure most of you know Marijuana became legal this year!:chimp: So in which case as others I'm sure I decided to try to grow. I don't have an endless disposable income like some. So my grow is pretty low budget to a point but if it's something that is a must I will make it happen. I am totally open to any advice anyone may have. So enough with the boring shiot.... let's get to the real point here right! \.=.

Okay so as I said above I've never grown before and trying to keep it as cheap as possible, so far I have taken a few cardboard boxes, measured carefully, wrapped them in foil (dull side out haha) to make a grow tent. The frame I'm using is a wire bakers rack that has the adjustable shelves. The size is 4ft wide, 17 in deep and 30 high. I have taped the seams with foil tape to eliminate drafts and keep the light in. The tent is located in the dining room closing to the the small kitchen. For now, I have a 4ft shop light with 2 4 ft flourescent bulbs 6500k.

I've been reading a lot of forums here on AFN about new growers and how to start this the right way. I have also checked out newbie tools, Ive ordered a PH meter, 20 ml syringes, a jewelers loupe, and a soil probe. They will be here in 2 days. :)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)) I have started a hand written journal and planning on doing a journal on here as soon as I figure it out. :p

Ive germinated several seeds, though I'm not sure what kind of plants they are. They have successfully germinated and Ive planted them in red solo cups. Within 5 days they are about 1.5"-2 1/4" tall with small green leaves. I do have a humidity and temperature gage. So far my tent has been running about 78°-84° an 28%-35% humidity. I water using a spray bottle, I use filtered water that is .000 tds/ppm. I have the light described above about 5" above the plants. I plan on getting a small fan when the plants are big enough. I will be posting a couple pictures soon. If anyone has suggestions, please give feedback.


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hi and welcome :pass:
sounds like you got your head screwed on and have done lots of homework.
we all gota start somewhere,your grow aint ideal,like many others but it will get you a harvest of your own.and for me thats whats its all about.
pop into live stoners for a cuppa and a chinwag sometime,or for directions if you get lost.
have a look around,have fun.
good luck.
Thanks brother. I don't have allot of space and don't really have room or the money to bug a real tent atm. Haha so far they seem to be growing pretty well for what it is. :pass: pssssst! Hey, HEY! Lol cheers!
Welcome to afn! There is a ton of information in the forum on just about everything imaginable. What type of food are you goin to feed them?
Hello Everyone, boys and girls!
I am totally new to the whole growing scene, been a smoker for quite some time. I'm from Maine, which I'm sure most of you know Marijuana became legal this year!:chimp: So in which case as others I'm sure I decided to try to grow. I don't have an endless disposable income like some. So my grow is pretty low budget to a point but if it's something that is a must I will make it happen. I am totally open to any advice anyone may have. So enough with the boring shiot.... let's get to the real point here right! \.=.

Okay so as I said above I've never grown before and trying to keep it as cheap as possible, so far I have taken a few cardboard boxes, measured carefully, wrapped them in foil (dull side out haha) to make a grow tent. The frame I'm using is a wire bakers rack that has the adjustable shelves. The size is 4ft wide, 17 in deep and 30 high. I have taped the seams with foil tape to eliminate drafts and keep the light in. The tent is located in the dining room closing to the the small kitchen. For now, I have a 4ft shop light with 2 4 ft flourescent bulbs 6500k.

I've been reading a lot of forums here on AFN about new growers and how to start this the right way. I have also checked out newbie tools, Ive ordered a PH meter, 20 ml syringes, a jewelers loupe, and a soil probe. They will be here in 2 days. :)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)) I have started a hand written journal and planning on doing a journal on here as soon as I figure it out. :p

Ive germinated several seeds, though I'm not sure what kind of plants they are. They have successfully germinated and Ive planted them in red solo cups. Within 5 days they are about 1.5"-2 1/4" tall with small green leaves. I do have a humidity and temperature gage. So far my tent has been running about 78°-84° an 28%-35% humidity. I water using a spray bottle, I use filtered water that is .000 tds/ppm. I have the light described above about 5" above the plants. I plan on getting a small fan when the plants are big enough. I will be posting a couple pictures soon. If anyone has suggestions, please give feedback.

It just takes some ingenuity sounds like your headed in the right direction and as @archie gemmill said it will get you a crop and that is all that really matters. Good luck and pop into live stoners and get acquainted with everyone.
Welcome to afn! There is a ton of information in the forum on just about everything imaginable. What type of food are you goin to feed them?
I'm not sure... one of my friends had mentioned that there was a package type deal on amazon for around $100 and he said that it would have most everything I needed.. I'm hoping to get some feedback back.. I don't really know what my plants are even... I did see a few peogle liked jokes nutes... I haven't checked out there prices yet... Have you tried the cali clean?? I don't have a problem I was wondering how it worked... I do plan to move my plants outside if they do anything. Thanks and cheers.:pass:

Looks like your ready to grow with us Kah

Don't hesitate to ask anyone anything for assistance.

Peace and glad you are here.
Thank you very much. I am open to any suggestions anyone has, I'm going to make a journal and such and upload pictures. Thanks for being supportive! :mflb:
:welcome: ......hey man how u doin.. great to hear you've started up a grow - yeah definately keep a journal of your grow.. I'd love to follow
....anyways, yo just started a grow a month back.. with auto's.. in coco-perlite indoors ...and yeah I'm keeping a journal.. :420: .....
come check it out bro..

......and yeah, the people here are great so hang around have some fun bro..... Cheers :baked: :chimp:..cracks me up everytime!!!