New Grower Hermies! One single pollen sac! Help!

Feb 16, 2015
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My 2 plants are 20 days out of the soil. One had what looked like a couple pollen sacs on it so I took it out of the room and some where else in the house to inspect. The few were on the main step, ripped em off. The other two were on a branch so I cut the whole branch off. So far no return. I think they were pollen sacs anyways I was being careful. That was about 3 days into flowering.

The second has been fine. Up until today I think I have found one single pollen sac?!? Mid main stem, the other side on the same side of the stem is fine. Ill post a pic here in a second. Hairs are coming off of both but one looks like a little sac. The hairs are turning a little orange. Is this some fluke? Can i rip it off? Will the whole thing be fucked? The rest of the plant is fine I've thouroughly inspected every part of the plant. New growth and old. Also at that same node with the suspect I cracked the branch a bit! I was LST'ing and it cracked a little bit.

Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks a lot!
The first plants didnt open or atleast I didnt see any pollen. This one I didnt see any pollen either. I'm having trouble and I think I'm in doubt. Hoping its some fluke for the plant and itll be fine. :/ I've done so much research but being a first grow I automatically want to call my knowledge into question and hope itll be ok.
rip it off.......
It's all you can do, and hope that you don't get flowers deep in the buds, If you end up with seeds, burn um, eat um, toilet them any thing but grow them? what breed was them ?
Have you ever heard of just one single pollen sac before?
Thank you very much as well Auto! Freaking over here.