New Grower HERE WE GO! first time budget grower

For something branded and good quality, ya can get a 65watt hlg quantum board for 99 dolla holla.
Its not my money, but if it were and i wanted to stay under the 100 dollar limit, id lean towards the household led bulb setup or the quantum board.
hey @baked in the bluegrass i looked into quantum boards and i have a question maybe you could answer.

some of the boards require assembly. how hard is it to set one up? do i need a background in wiring?

thanks for all your help!
well, i guess we'll see about bugs and fungus in my soil. fingers crossed i'm in the clear!

i told my husband i need more light and he reminded me that tomorrow is prime day. i'll definitely be getting SOMETHING supplemental tomorrow. maybe i can get it on sale!

it's been four days since the girls broke surface. they're no longer limp and are developing leaves at the right pace. i'm pretty happy about it.

i'm gonna be super psyched to get any harvest. i've got a long time before i'm entering contests, haha.

also, i have an initial fifteen seeds to work with which gives me eleven more to try a different way. i, literally, cannot wait to try other, more "right" ways to do this. the fact that i've already started messing up my first grow and these ladies are growing anyway, gives me so much confidence for the future!

great post marilyn :thumbsup: hey, we all started sumwhere...that first grow is what'z "affectionately" known as "the price of admission", lol :haha: and we've all paid it, believe that :grin: new life is indeed thrilling to experience & witness with every grow, but especially the first & me luv readin ur enthusiazm :biggrin: ppp

p.s. WHERE'Z THE PICZ-??! we neeeeeed our porn! :smoking:
hey @baked in the bluegrass i looked into quantum boards and i have a question maybe you could answer.

some of the boards require assembly. how hard is it to set one up? do i need a background in wiring?

thanks for all your help!
I have the diy skillz of a slightly scuffed up rock lol.
I was able to put it together safely with the guidance of a buddy who has an electrical background. It didnt require any soldering, just a screwdriver, wire cutters, and a lil electrical tape.
I dont think i would have done it without actual guidance tho, for safetys sake if nothing else!
alright! i didn't post any pics yesterday cuz i feel like i'm just sitting here waiting for new stuff to arrive. i also feel like i'm obsessing over this and i'm trying not to burn anyone out. my husband is already annoyed by me always looking at the girls. i promise you i am NOT fucking with them. i do rotate them under the one light since i'm now convinced they're light deprived and, in all honesty, i did build a makeshift dome over that light fixture to try and amplify what was going on until the new stuff arrives. but, i haven't touched the girls. i watered them a bit. okay, i'm obsessed.

whatever. they're looking pretty good. Girl Scout Cookies is a bit stunted, but i still hold out hope. as i've stated, those are extra seeds and, also photos, so she's gonna hang around for the long run. also, i think they've all been stunted slightly from the get. starting the light so far away made them a couple days behind, maybe?

i pulled out my slr camera for a formal photo shoot. i used my micro lens and, folks, everyone on here needs a micro lens. i've taken that lens on road trips to national parks all over the country and taken some stunning pics of tiny flora and fauna, but i have never appreciated it more than when taking pics of these lovely ladies.

so, here they are! DAY 5 from breaking top soil.


Short and Sweet

Girl Scout Cookies
They look fine. Relax, do other stuff and come back tomorrow to look. In the meantime, spend your time on getting some really good soil made up and "cooking"
okay okay! i'm leaving them alone! and i've got plans for that soil, buddy. a couple seeds in the fridge with homemade super soil written all over them. like you, i really just wanna make this process as easy and fool proof as possible.
okay okay! i'm leaving them alone! and i've got plans for that soil, buddy. a couple seeds in the fridge with homemade super soil written all over them. like you, i really just wanna make this process as easy and fool proof as possible.

That is entirely what my goal is with this and your thinking is right on track.....simple process that is repeatable and will produce top shelf meds. No guesswork or mixing chemicals or other magic potions ....LOL
alright! i didn't post any pics yesterday cuz i feel like i'm just sitting here waiting for new stuff to arrive. i also feel like i'm obsessing over this and i'm trying not to burn anyone out. my husband is already annoyed by me always looking at the girls. i promise you i am NOT fucking with them. i do rotate them under the one light since i'm now convinced they're light deprived and, in all honesty, i did build a makeshift dome over that light fixture to try and amplify what was going on until the new stuff arrives. but, i haven't touched the girls. i watered them a bit. okay, i'm obsessed.

whatever. they're looking pretty good. Girl Scout Cookies is a bit stunted, but i still hold out hope. as i've stated, those are extra seeds and, also photos, so she's gonna hang around for the long run. also, i think they've all been stunted slightly from the get. starting the light so far away made them a couple days behind, maybe?

i pulled out my slr camera for a formal photo shoot. i used my micro lens and, folks, everyone on here needs a micro lens. i've taken that lens on road trips to national parks all over the country and taken some stunning pics of tiny flora and fauna, but i have never appreciated it more than when taking pics of these lovely ladies.

so, here they are! DAY 5 from breaking top soil.

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Short and Sweet
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Girl Scout Cookies
View attachment 1078819

awwww, me jus luv em when they're bebez! :biggrin: and man, u remind me soooo much of meself on my first grow, happened to be a serious hobby of mine at the time, and oh ya, me was takin the macro shotz 20 timez a day, haha! :rofl: might get into it again when me current girlz start flowerin, hehe :biggrin: keep it up m'lady, ur doin jus fine! :thumbsup: :headbang: