sweet i will be doing that. thats what i like take her just the way i want, i'm just not sure where that is.
im looking for that one hitter quitter shit, u no something that makes u no that u just hit some nice weed.
and will put u in ur seat for awhile. So should i take it when the trichs are Amber? and do u think Blue mystic is good for that? or should i be looking at another strain? i got the Speed G cuz it has diesal crossed in it. but im not sure who will send beans too the state besides Nirvana and AFS. I need too no what a really strong strain is.
If I'm not mistaking it goes like this...
Clear trichs = More energetic, get shit done, be out in public without freaking out
Cloudy trichs = Some of the above mixed with some of the below
Amber trichs = couchlock, put you on your ass, no energy, get nothing done, freak out in public