well i have now started my second grow. i pick blue mystic since i still can't get my hands on those Durrty Dragons, but i do have some Speed G on the way. anyways i have pretty much keep it all the same as my bubblicious grow cuz those girls did so good i really didn't want too change anything.the one thing that i'm going too do this time is topping, since last time i didn't do it. Cuz i had read some where that u shouldn't top an auto. But there's this girl "luv420" on youtube who is amazing at what she does, well anyways she tops her baby's and grows some awsome looking plants. so her doing it shows that it can be done. so really i want ur guys opinion on this should i do it or not? and if so when should i do it they are a week old now. o and the pic of my baby by itself it's the only one that had this crazy ass purple stem once it pop through the soil so i kinda made that one my special one i got a good feeling about that one. so thanks again for stopping by everybody and come on back cuz i'm just getting started!