Herbsnow dryer alternative?


Learning as I grow
Cultivators Club
Aug 19, 2020
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Currently Smoking
3Wok OG
Hello everyone :smoking:

I’m wondering if anyone here has found a dehydrator that dehydrates at a lower temp? According to herbsnow, it functions at 26c. That seems a bit high for me but so many people says it works. I don’t have a proper good drying space this season so I don’t wanna hang dry. I’ve seen people saying that the herbsnow is just a rip off dehydrator and nothing has been changed. They compare it to a certain dehydrator but I can’t find it anymore. Most dehydrators I’ve found dehydrate at 35c minimum.

Can anyone help a brother out and recommend a similar dehydrator that dehydrates lower than 35c? I refuse to pay $180 bucks for a dehydrator lol
Been looking for the same thing.
Also most don't have 96h timers...

I've found one on amazon that looks exactly the same on the images and specs as the herbsnow dryer. (but for 80)
So have been thinking about ordering that one and tinkering with it myself.

possibe candidates;

Also found this one...
Gonnna check these out now bro. I found the manufacturer of herbsnow but they’re in China and have a min of 500 orders. I’ve sent them a message asking for a sample with uk plug. I also found the same one on amazon but it’s not in the uk
Iv just checked those btw, all the temps are too high. Temp has to be in the 20s or less. The problem with finding a good one is that most of them dehydrate at a min of 35c which will just burn off terps
They are sell my herbs now again. Awhile back tried to look them up and nothing of the sort. And herd he had some legal issues or something. Herd it off a podcast from awhile back
They are sell my herbs now again. Awhile back tried to look them up and nothing of the sort. And herd he had some legal issues or something. Herd it off a podcast from awhile back
Yeah from my research what you have said is true. My goal is not to pay that bastard $180 because I know that’s a crazy price for a food dehydrator. The manufacturer sells them at $22 a piece. I’ve contacted them but because they are in China, they might take a while to respond. Almost every dehydrator I’ve seen starts at 35c which is too high. I don’t wanna use brown paper bags to dry this round. I don’t have a space to hang my girls this year otherwise my usual space is perfect for drying. I’ve also made a DIY dry box too in the past that worked, but with cardboard it does leave a slight smell to them that I don’t want. No idea why it’s so hard to find a dehydrator under 35 Celsius
Yeah from my research what you have said is true. My goal is not to pay that bastard $180 because I know that’s a crazy price for a food dehydrator. The manufacturer sells them at $22 a piece. I’ve contacted them but because they are in China, they might take a while to respond. Almost every dehydrator I’ve seen starts at 35c which is too high. I don’t wanna use brown paper bags to dry this round. I don’t have a space to hang my girls this year otherwise my usual space is perfect for drying. I’ve also made a DIY dry box too in the past that worked, but with cardboard it does leave a slight smell to them that I don’t want. No idea why it’s so hard to find a dehydrator under 35 Celsius
I dry in a home made box thing I lined it with cardboard then duct taped the shit out of it so that the cardboard wouldnt dry out the bud to fast. And saved my self of the unwanted taste cause mine has never had that before. Works good for me. I got and 4 inch hook up for a exhaust to filter it. But to dry right now to use it left an opening in the bottom to draw the air from got led lights and a mini fan looks not the best but fuck it works and I dont have to have a free tent to dry.

i wanted a my herbs now. Im good now tho this box thing works good enough for this guy. Got to break down the plant more then Id really like but. Small price to have a dedicated space to dry.
I picked up the herbsnow and used it once so far. The bud smelled better then my hang dry. It was done in about 88 hours or so. The humidity was 49% sunday when I jarred. As of today with the humidity pack its a 58% not 62. I like my bud alittle dryer then 62. But its up to 52% in 3 days. Two weeks and it will be 60 easy and it smells amazing havent tried the bud yet. I am excited to get a few dries under my belt and give better review. But so far Im impressed and think its going to be game changer for me.
I picked up the herbsnow and used it once so far. The bud smelled better then my hang dry. It was done in about 88 hours or so. The humidity was 49% sunday when I jarred. As of today with the humidity pack its a 58% not 62. I like my bud alittle dryer then 62. But its up to 52% in 3 days. Two weeks and it will be 60 easy and it smells amazing havent tried the bud yet. I am excited to get a few dries under my belt and give better review. But so far Im impressed and think its going to be game changer for me.
How much does it hold? Im interested.