Indoor HempyPlus, A simple hydro system from a simple guy

  • Thread starter Thread starter teflondummy
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Thanks carlos. I forgot he was out of town.
Hey zx. TD won't be able to reply. He's out of town.
You could germinate using paper towel method or plant straight into jiffy pellets. Once it gets big enough you could transplant straight into the hempy plus bucket. Or you could make a smaller hempy using party cups. From there cut the bottom of the cup then place into the final container once you're ready to transplant
Thanks Buddha I read on some other sites and they stayed until 20%. So dribbling water is good enough?
quick question can i put my starter plugs in the perlite right when i plant the seed? was plannin on starting with a 16oz party cup. and if so is there a good rule of thumb that lets you know exactly when to transplant? cause i know the taproot on autos grow like crazy.
What exactly is a starter plug? Is it like a jiffy pellet? Are you wanting to plant the seed into the starter plug then put your starter plug into the hempy bucket?
yea its like a jiffy pellet but i seen some guys pics on here and he had a party cup filled with perlite and his starter plug at the very top surronded by the perlite but the top wasnt covered. looked like a good idea
What people usually do is. Plant their starter plug in a party cup with perlite. From there they cut the bottom of the cup of and plant that into the final bucket
so would it be ok to put the starter plug in my party cup as soon i put the seed in the plug and just let it grow out till i transplant? not trying to get anyone confused sorry
Hey TBM, wanna chop up this post and merge it into the official Hempy thread we had? Would be a good place since you answered a few questions and you're the hempy king :p

Good bit of knowledge and advice in here regarding hempy, IMO.