Outdoor Hempy Bucket Questions.



I want to start a Hempy Bucket grow soon outdoors and have a few questions.

How big of a bucket for a super auto? (I was told 5G Bucket is this right?)

If so, would watering be about 4G of water?

How to start the beans? If using rockwool, how long til transfer to the bucket?

Info I know, correct me if wrong.
Permalite/Vem (3:1 ratio)
Drill about a 1/4 hole 2 inches from base
Water about every other day (Hand watering)
Perm for the bottom 2 inches, and mix for the rest
Flush the Perma before using
Nutes (Already positive for feeding schedule)

Thanks to anyone/everyone who responds and helps me out.
Thanks Thai, I was planning on 5 gallon paint buckets.
And don't you mean 1G for every 4 weeks, plus an extra gallon. ( 8/4 = 2 * 1 = 2? )
My plants will hopefully be done within 110 days, 120 at latest.
Well I have 5 gallon buckets available for free, so I think I'll use them.
Also, when flushing before harvest wouldn't nutrients be in the bottom of the bucket still even after a week?