My plants are at 3 weeks and some of the leaves are turning brown on the tips and the sides are turning slightly yellow. Is this a cal-mag deficiency? I have cal-mag solution on the way but want to be sure that's what it is.
Hi JMoney, What are you growing in, what type of light are you using and do you have any pictures. If you are growing under LED and you have yellowing between the veins of the leaves it could be Mg deficiency. If your tips are brown it may be nute burn. What are you feeding the plant and how much. Is it the lower leaves or the new growth. If you haven't been over to the new growers forum check in and introduce yourself. Cheers.
hi JMoney. are you giving them any nute's? what kind of soil/hydro are you using? sound's more like nute burn than cal/mag. the more info you provide, the better the advice you get as deficiency's are a little tricky to diagnose. and picture's are a big help. light type and duration, temp range ph,rh and if your doing hydro, ppm/e.c. reading's will help with diagnosis. get back soon and we'll get this sorted.
I'm growing in an ice fishing hut actually. I'm using CFL's for light. I just noticed it happening a few days ago. I got my seeds from Nirvana not sure if you guys are familiar with them but I'm using Soiltabs. Are you familiar with them or heard of them? You plant the tab 6" under the seed and it provides all the essential nutes up until week 6 then you pop flower tabs in which is essential nutes for flowering process. I'm seeing it on the lower leaves. Using fox farms happy frog soil. Before ordering the soil and flower tabs I read reviews and everyone said they are great and you don't have to worry about feeding any other nutes. You.just pop them in and wwater. my water Ph is 6.5
I've not heard of the soiltab's. but from your description it sound's like they may be a bit much for auto flower's. they tend to be nute sensitive and don't require much. although it can be a PITA, adding nute's seem's better for the auto's than time release fert's. you have more control over thing's like this.does anybody else have any experience with the soiltab's?
I think one of the issues is the tabs..Ive seen them and came close to buying them a looong time ago and I can almost certainly tell you they arent for auto grows in any way.makes it tough when ya dont know what to buy and they market for exactly that..newer ppl whim dont know exactly what theyre buying. pics would really help and i doubt itll be cal mag this early on as bad as you say..lpics would really help a lot man!!leaves the wholeplant like maybe four pics or two or three decent oneis ya can manage. i suspect it them tabs man theyre a time relased chem feed as in MG soil sorta and thats what causes issues later on once the have released and are vreakibg down fully since theyre desigend to break down within a 2-3 week times frame mostly n that causes issues to newer roots since the roots are past it Im sure but they have this thing in between where they pull food(s) from and stretching and freaking them out from the caustic environment them tabs do cause. theyre good but just need to use them a liitl differently imho.lso if you want duture advise on using them or anything similar your welcome to PM me whenever. but thats my opinion but again pics really do healp in these situations bro.Thanks! be well dude :Sharing One:
That said I do not trust many products and me myself prefer my horticultural supplies and ganga is a plant and can use all the other plant foods. Young plants need very little indeed and I have seen plants with no nutes have similar problems and this is why it is only possible to comment if there are some close up shots of the leaves for us to analyse.
If it the embryo leaves for example then it is normal for them to turn yellow and brown and die.
hmmm yeah imho thats where your issue is stemming from bro. Im not a chem guy and my knowledge is a bit weak in that area but cal mag and water with decent water and fluffing the soil often and drying that out and watering more frequently is where to start but not over water though. go several days 3-4 days or longer and keep pushin a cup through it every cpl days or three with fluffing so your soil doesnt remain wet and thats a start but as far as a standard fix im unsure it doable at this point to be totally honest with ya,but better chem dudes er about sooo sorry i couldnt help man but them tabs that are slow released design are tough to work with when ya cant dig em up like a jobes spike for example. be good bro n hit me up if you need an opinion on anything,if I can help I will.
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