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Thanks a bunch guys just got frustrated at the crazy world of forums red eye confusing questions and overall the bemusement took its toll I shall read and shall abide by its rules peace and love but my name is buzzkill forra a reason lol nah not really
Thanks a bunch guys just got frustrated at the crazy world of forums red eye confusing questions and overall the bemusement took its toll I shall read and shall abide by its rules peace and love but my name is buzzkill forra a reason lol nah not really

It's all good , we'll belay the flogging this time........ :smokebuds:
Yea I'm a computer newbie wearing diapers and needing all the mothering a man can get many thanks if I av questions where do I ask them
I wanted a jolly good flogging aswell oh well off to the dungeons
Yea I'm a computer newbie wearing diapers and needing all the mothering a man can get many thanks if I av questions where do I ask them

at any time you can Pm a mod or super mod, another thing is to use the search engine at the top of the page to the right....if that don't work then let me or any other mod know....To pm just click on the persons name and a drop meue will give you the option to privet message that person.
Welcome to AFN Buzzkill !!! :peace:

Try the General Chat forum if you cant find another forum dealing with your specific subject matter.
Thank you there is sucha a thing as kindness in the world and may the world bless u with karma of the highest order plenty of man love and squeezes
Don't worry, you'll pick it up in no time.
You'll find everyone on here will help you if they can. Welcome to the AFN family :smokebuds: