Help with therapy (s)

I have found the cbd e liquid is excellent for my arthritis and anxiety. Best part is 50 state legal buy it at any Gas Station. Cost me 10 for 75mg. I use to get road rage on the road and in grocery store. Now i hit my pen about 10 good times and im set
Well it's been a while since I visited this thread but I'm in a world of hurt at the moment..

An event conspired to trigger my fight/flight response and I'm having a bit of an episode.

It's not to dire as I'm aware it's happening, problems happen when I don't realize.. shit gets bad.

Getting flashbacks, I've witnessed violence and up to about as bad as you could imagine. Things you can never un see :(

I'm not on the AD meds and it's been great but a month or so I had to go on BP meds, have a feeling I'm sensitive to any meds. I've worked a lot of my life with chemicals and dangerous goods and find I'm really sensitive to them now also.

Any tips on what's good for a crazy like me?

I have 2 sativa Dom's and an Indica close to a cut.

Next time I'm on the CBD wagon! Have to find something to keep this shit from happening.

Getting eye twitch, tremors and head about to pop lol

Not ideal having shit pop into your minds eye from 25years ago either ffs

Is there merit in CBD oil/body butter for Mrs f6's back?

Grandpappy f6 is 95 not out so looking to just slip him some biccies, mother in law can have or a pill (she a big pill taker)

Mrs f6, and brother f6 are big anti psyc takers.. looking to ease the use of them. I take a relatively low dose anti depression


From personal experience, vape juice with CBD is extremely effective at reducing in the inflammation from arthritis in the lumbar area quickly, even a "50mg" vape juice can have an almost instant effect after just a couple of puffs whereas transdermal absorption rates can be rather hit and miss due to things like body fat and so forth.

Otherwise I would be looking at the edibles or sublingual absorption of oils, capsules are obviously another option, as the effects should last longer even though the method of delivery is less efficient due to the CBD having to go through the stomach, then be absorbed by the intestines, then get through the liver, all of which can reduce the efficacy of the CBD.

So it all depends on how quick the effects are needed, and how much is needed at any given time to control the symptoms.
That's why I stick to Canna, once you understand your basic requirements...fine tuning can be accomplished. Unfortunately, for us UK folk...that is a basic human right which is being denied to us!:bummer:

Count yourself lucky, Plod won't bother me for having one plant but if they catch me with my CBD vape juice and 5% CBD oil....

Y'all think your countries are "backwards" yet I have to travel to Holland and "risk running the border" just to get CBD. That's real insanity.
It could well end the same here in the U.K. Change of law/classification is gonna hurt those who have been "legal" up to now! It's a complicated scenario which, is still up in the air mate...
...lets hope for the best though.:pass:
It could well end the same here in the U.K. Change of law/classification is gonna hurt those who have been "legal" up to now! It's a complicated scenario which, is still up in the air mate...
...lets hope for the best though.:pass:

No, you'll be in a better position than me, there's no question there because you'll be able to get some form of MMJ for far more conditions than here, where they still refuse to admit MMJ has any therapeutic value except for those with certain conditions caused by MS.

It's a disgrace that it took such high profile cases involving children to change governmental attitude though.
No, you'll be in a better position than me, there's no question there because you'll be able to get some form of MMJ for far more conditions than here, where they still refuse to admit MMJ has any therapeutic value except for those with certain conditions caused by MS.

It's a disgrace that it took such high profile cases involving children to change governmental attitude though.

Hmmm' I fear it's not quite that simple. There are questions over some who were involved(in the high profile/ media led campaign...and the Companies they are associated with/have interests in et all). Those who needed CBD only products may well now be restricted access by this reg change. Those who need specific fpe products(yes, the real meds for most folks!) have no chance and certain Pharma companies are gonna have it right off! Small legal grows have no chance in the U.K....a blind eye may be turned(in certain counties) but, it's a postcode lottery on the whole...and it's bleedin' annoying for folks who need it! :dammit:
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Hmmm' I fear it's not quite that simple. There are questions over some who were involved(in the high profile/ media led campaign...and the Companies they are associated with/have interests in et all). Those who needed CBD only products may well now be restricted access by this reg change. Those who need specific fpe products(yes, the real meds for most folks!) have no chance and certain Pharma companies are gonna have it right off! Small legal grows have no chance in the U.K....a blind eye may be turned(in certain counties) but, it's a postcode lottery on the whole...and it's bleedin' annoying for folks who need it! :dammit:

Unless they decide to reschedule CBD, which you can buy legally now and would, rightly, kick off a real shitstorm, there won't be a difference there.

And we know that growing your own will not be allowed, which is why I've said it will be a matter of time before someone brings the mater to court with proof from docs, etc, that a specific strain gives them more benefits than "generic" pharma grade MMJ so they should be allowed to grow their own medicine and save the NHS money.

The door has been unlocked, you just need a little patience before pushing it open.