Indoor help with nutes and questions about molasses

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my plants are about 21 days old i gave them veg nutes at little less than half strength i got nute burn on a few leaves how my last 2 waterins have been with plain water i water every 3-4 mostly a days can i go back to nutes at a lighter strength now and 1 more question ive been reading u guys talk about molasses what does it do and is it the regular molasses from the grocery store i bought sum it says all natural unsulphored
It provides micronutrients and if your soil is organic will help the beneficial microbes to flourish in your root system. It will not really effect your ph so use it and enjoy!!!
Hey Frank, sounds good. If your giving them half stre. all along you can surly increase the dosage. Watch your plants closely the following days in case it was to much for them & you need to flush.

Molasses is great for the mycorrhizae & they feed the sugars to the plant. Great for flower stage. Its used the 1st few weeks of flowering, some mite use it the entire time but anyhow as far as I know just for flowering
:howdy:yep i only use it in flowering a 1 tsp to a gal,and it seem like your girls, mite only need water again,with out no nutes yet,just keep an eye on her like SBH say,:peace:
I used it through my whole outdoor grow last summer and my gurls loved it they ended up having a slight carmel candy smell when smkd and a sweet taste.:smokeit: