New Grower help with id bugs

Mar 16, 2014
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Hi. So in the process doing a major wipe down for spider mites and i noticed little clear looking bugs running around my soil. I tryed to take a pic of the little f'ers. Sorry if its a bad shot.


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Opps did post in wrong area? Im not all tek savy
Sounds like a case of thirps, just finished battling a mite problem and though they were kept at bay it was a loosing battle, I ended up scrapping my grow room for almost 6weeks and just now getting around to getting things back going again, even now with new tent and all equipment wiped down I'm still not convinced 100% they or the other pathogens bothering my plants will not return, my best advice to you depending on where in the grow you are is just to scrape it if you just started and get rid of all the plants and restart, or you can try a multiproduct approach to taking care of them, if you just stick with one product the Borg just gets use to it and they just build up their defenses even stronger..
wishing you the best of luck and little more info of where you are at now with your grow, the environment etc to best help you...
:Sharing One:
Thanks for the reply. Im just trying to move in to my new grow areas. Im growing photos. I have plants to start a perpetual grow. The rooms im going move in to are clean with a positive pressure going on. I have plants from clones to plants ready to make the switch. Also i just started using a new batch of organic soil i made last fall.
The only thing that gets me is for the last week i have been wiping every leaf on all my plants with soapy water to get spider mites. In that whole time never saw one on a plant.... shouldnt i be?