Grow Mediums Help with building a "perfect" URDWC/DWC system


Aug 4, 2012
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So... I think I'll be giving a serious shot at DWC/RDWC. I have a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent, so height is not so much a problem. I'm having a very very tough time sourcing out the parts as I don't know the names in my native language looool but I'll get there... anyways, have a couple of questions I'm hoping you guys could lend a hand.

My idea would be to make a URDWC/DWC combo, 4 planters a 1 brain rez. Meaning that I'll rig it up so if one of the plants starts showing problems, I could switch it off from the circuit and fly solo from there on. Or do 4 strains independent. My reasoning is, because I'll be doing autos pheno variation can be so huge sometimes that the feed regime might not work for all. But I also may do some photo-cloning and rip it.

1) Most of the pre-built systems seem to be 15/21L. I have (finally) found locally some very very nice 40-45L buckets, cheap and very sturdy. Do you think it is worth doubling the size of the "standard" bucket?

2) What is the "ideal" net pot size? The few pre-built systems around vary from 14cm to 21cm!! That is a huge difference.

3) Suggestions for a water pump! I have no clue how much flow I would need to make the URDWC really effective

4) Anything else to consider?

thanks guys, please feel free to add anything up :thumbs:
If you haven't already, take a look at the Current Culture systems. Besides selling complete systems, they also sell all the parts needed to build your own. I'm building a hydro room and have done extensive research into RDWC systems. They look to be top of the line and are giving fantastic results. If nothing else, you can probably get some ideas off their site.
Great link dude! Wow, these look badass! Also look a bit expensive... will investigate
Yep, bloody expensive that is... Looking into the Current Culture UC4XL13 model, which is a 4 planter + 1 epicenter (13 gallons/30L), with all pumps etc = +/- 1000 coins.
Way too steep for me. But definitely a super-pro solution!



But anyways, great find and will surely give me lots to think about. Thanks Muddy :thumbs:
I've been chewing on ALOT of info, and I pretty much made my mind up that this is going to happen :twist: I'm building my own system, but in phases. Source the proper parts etc..
First I will get my hands dirty (or actually, cleaner lool) with plain old DWC, until I phase out my coco runs & nutes. Then adapt the DWC buckets so I
can link them up in RDWC or even URDWC... lots of pro's and cons still to ponder on.

I will start with 1 bucket and see it through a whole grow, then go 100% DWC/RDWC

So first thing first... I have a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent (4ft x 4ft x 6.5ft), so I was thinking of a final 4 buckets + 1 epicenter setup.
My questions is that the vast majority of commercial DWC systems use a 12, 15, 18 or 21L bucket size (3, 4, 5, 6gal).
I was thinking of going straight to a 45L (12gal) bucket. I found a really sturdy and cheap one locally... but I've not seen any diaries with such a big rez. My reasoning is bigger volume = more stable system (ph & lower temps), bigger volume = bigger root system = bigger yield.
Any disadvantages to this? Do you thinks its too big?
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Yes, they are a bit on the expensive side but the return from the first grow should take care of that. If you want to read more about them, THCFarmer has a whole forum dedicated to just the under current (RDWC) systems.

Current Culture sells two sized buckets, 8 and 13 gallon. They say the 8 gallon will produce plants 2-4' high, 13 gallon, 4-6' high. I'm going with 8 gallon simply because I don't have the width in my area for a 13 gallon system with 28" plant centers. Of course, these would be photo plants. For autos, I would think 5-6 gallon would be sufficient.
This setup is super, no doubt, I sincerely wish I could afford it! But for my little tent I cannot see the ROI so soon. We're looking at 1000 bucks vs 200 DIY, give or take... Still paying off my LEDs and pH/EC meters
Plus, with autos, even growing the same strain, the inability to isolate a bucket could mean a potential disaster.
I'm in europe, and I can get these shipped over, but shipping costs would be ludicrous. There is only 1 european distributer, and they have no stock at all, I suppose they order by request. I'll hit them up for a quote. I wonder if they can source out proper 220v pumps though...
Yes, we all have to stay within our budgets. I've got a partner in this, so he's helping with the initial costs. We'll probably be expanding at some point, so may DIY that as we'll have one to copy. I just inquired on the availability of their UC Solo Pro. They won't be available for a couple months yet, but we'll probably get one for clones when they become available. Same 8" net pots as the UCXL, so it will be very easy to move the clones to flowering. A chiller is also a must with these systems. That adds another $300+ to the price.
I was wondering about chillers too. Do you think it's necessary really for a 4 plant project and LED? No doubt a couple kW of HID will raise the temps massively, but in my tent water never goes over 19-20C, so well within optimal DO range

I've been searching locally for parts and its driving me nuts. But as soon as I find a reasonable setup I'll post it here.

The main thing to consider is the dissolved O2, and I'm studying up on myth vs fact... Many claims that a simple waterfall effect on the epicentre is more than enough, with the right under current flow per hour.

But again, I ask the same question... How relevant, do you reckon, is the individual rez size with autos? With photo's one can veg as long as you want, so rez size certainly is a factor. Do you think a considerably bigger bucket would significantly boost the yield, or not worth the extra expense in water and nutes ?
That's fine on the water temp but with it at that level, what is your room temp? I have to assume that your room temp is low as the two are eventually going to get close being in the same room. Ideally for plants under LEDs the room temp should be 85 with the range 80 to 90 degrees F, humidity at 40% for best transpiration. With a room temp of 85 I suspect the res temp will rise to somewhere close to that, so a means of lowering the water temp would be needed for optimum results.

I think anything over 5-6 gallon is going to be overkill for autos. I doubt the plants will have enough veg growth to fill anything larger.