Indoor Help! What's wrong with my plants?

:toke: Hey Fast'-- firstly, are these auto's or photo's? Secondly, AN pH Perfect aside, we need pH readings on the res', and from in-pot at least,... plenty can happen to cause enough potential drift that the self-buffering effect of AN can't keep up with,... this is important because we need to determine if you have defc. issue's caused by plain old lack-of, or pH lock-out,... Also, coco is a unique medium, with it's particular cation exchange capacity,... notably, with elevated Ca and Mg demands; LED's are also noted for causing elevated Ca demands as well,...
...:doh: pic's issues- I hate techno-crap like that! I can't help with that, sorry... I'll ask around; yes, the natural light pics are critical for diagnosis, as reading the colors and patterns of live and dead tissue provides clues :thumbsup: ..that said, for sure I see Ca defc., maybe K too (could be part of the odd stretching), perhaps others-? Symptoms are well advanced, and more than one thing is in play, which muddies the diagnostic waters some,...
...:doh: simultaneous post! ...gimme a moment to work on this,....
... gonna need pH info for sure, mate,... this smacks of some sort of sudden shift in pH, which seems to cause the odd mix of symptoms, along with the very pale necrotic patches and random small spots... did this start rather suddenly? Also, I don't like the looks of the tops on some,... usually, this means an immobile nute' is defc., a micronutrient usually,...again, in aqueous solutions, they are very twitchy in availability,.... Hmmm, from the new pics, looks like Ca and Mg aren't really in play,...

:crying:did it again! ...okay, got the pH's,...
wait, are you on a drip system, is that waht you mean by a reservoir? or are you still hand watering,... this make a big difference! And what's your water source and pH?









691bd9de9ca5e70a0912c1c312a6eb77.jpg are great bro', no vid's needed,... again, what's your water source? ..another thing about coco, is it hold a lot of native K in it, so a K defc. would seem unlikely, but the symptoms sure look like it,... reading a new book just now, and this may be the case here..." coco coir gives off large amounts of K, which is readily absorbed, and (too much) locks out Ca and Mg; the result is Ca and Mg defc. sympotms but with tip and later, marginal leaf burn from K accumulating at these points,....the fix in coco is to increase the EC (ppms), not back in up and flush",.... What brand of coco is this? How well they treat/flush it for Na and K excess removal is a major factor,... so, between this, and that one pic with the fine stippling/spotting, Ca defc. symptoms may be here, just atypical,... I need to consult with a coco guru,.... are you feeding at full strength?