..pics are great bro', no vid's needed,... again, what's your water source? ..another thing about coco, is it hold a lot of native K in it, so a K defc. would seem unlikely, but the symptoms sure look like it,... reading a new book just now, and this may be the case here..." coco coir gives off large amounts of K, which is readily absorbed, and (too much) locks out Ca and Mg; the result is Ca and Mg defc. sympotms but with tip and later, marginal leaf burn from K accumulating at these points,....the fix in coco is to increase the EC (ppms), not back in up and flush",.... What brand of coco is this? How well they treat/flush it for Na and K excess removal is a major factor,... so, between this, and that one pic with the fine stippling/spotting, Ca defc. symptoms may be here, just atypical,... I need to consult with a coco guru,.... are you feeding at full strength?