New Grower Help this guy please

You can't grow six plants in Oklahoma( life sentence) but you can probly molest kids and get a government grant for research. The government is so fucked its not even funny anymore. If you don't work long enough you can't be disabled but if you're an illegal alien using more than one soc sec number you can combine everything you've earned under false numbers and get disability WTF!! Poor bastard fought for his country now they want to hang him out to dry.. Ok sorry for the rant... I hate politics and government they could fuck up a wet dream
I hate hearing these things ! fuckin disgusting ! but good to see these stories posted to make us aware and to show how ignorant our societies still are; in regards to marijuana especially ! respect faded ! bullshit is right !
Signed; here's hoping it works. A veteran who put his life on the life for this country deserves better than this. Six plants? This man is being treated like a murderer for growing pot for personal use! Meanwhile a spoiled rich kid who drove drunk and killed a car full of people got off because his lawyers argued growing up rich should excuse his bad decisions!

If he spends his life in jail, especially with legalization on the horizon, then every lawmaker, judge, and law enforcement agent in the state should resign, because clearly none of them can be bothered to look out for the people's best interest.
The whole country needs legal weed its obvious the prison system is big business no justice or caring with big business just bottom line greed

I could go on for hours and hours about the problem with the industrial prison complex in America. To keep it succinct, the money involved is a BIG part of why America has the largest percentage of its population incarcerated of any nation on the planet by a wide margin. It's not because we're the most crime riddled, that's for damn sure.