*Help* Seedling with yellow tips?

At work currently, so a video gotta wait. I’ll look forward to watching this evening. Always good to learn. One day I’ll look into coco growing. Truth is , I’m lazy and organic supersoil allows me to toss out my ph pen, dump some water on them every couple of days and still pull some decent flower.
I’m subbed for your grow!!!

Cool , I've never heard of organic super soul. I'll look into it. It would nice to not have to measure the pH everytime. This guy Mr. Canuck Grows cola's thicker than his forearm!! Just check out the videos. Here's one of them.
Hi 420Forever,

I never did that but just did it for the one seed I'm hoping germinates lol. Anyways, got good news I think. The yellow tipped seedling has grown new perfectly green leaves, which I'm guessing is a good thing? Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. Also , I just realized that the leafs were visible in my previous pic but it wasn't as prominent as it is today.

ya, the first couple setz of leavez can be, well, weird, lol, but thingz uzually settle themselvez out & i meself never worry too much about em ;) ppp

At work currently, so a video gotta wait. I’ll look forward to watching this evening. Always good to learn. One day I’ll look into coco growing. Truth is , I’m lazy and organic supersoil allows me to toss out my ph pen, dump some water on them every couple of days and still pull some decent flower.
I’m subbed for your grow!!!

what kinda soil do u uze-? i mean, is it a bought brand, or do u make ur own, or...:confused1: ppp
ya, the first couple setz of leavez can be, well, weird, lol, but thingz uzually settle themselvez out & i meself never worry too much about em ;) ppp

what kinda soil do u uze-? i mean, is it a bought brand, or do u make ur own, or...:confused1: ppp
Typically use a combo of Michigan mix , high quality unferted soil like Roots, perlite, oystershells, Biochar, kelp meal, neem, azomite, EWC, microbes, etc. to get me to the finish line with water only. The only add-in is cal-mag if absolutely needed . Cobs really require more than I can amend.
I don’t have the space to follow subcool’s Recipe, so it’s an easy compromise.
Typically use a combo of Michigan mix , high quality unferted soil like Roots, perlite, oystershells, Biochar, kelp meal, neem, azomite, EWC, microbes, etc. to get me to the finish line with water only. The only add-in is cal-mag if absolutely needed . Cobs really require more than I can amend.
I don’t have the space to follow subcool’s Recipe, so it’s an easy compromise.

ok :thanks: ppp