I little over watering will stunt a plant pretty quick. Also, yes, to get them to stretch, make them "reach" for the light. Not a big cfl guy, but I do know they should be pretty close. Over watering will be the biggest culprit. The best way to judge, is to lift the pot, right after you fill it with medium. Lite = time to water. Lift the pot after a watering, notice the weight of the pot when it is watered. It is the best method to see if the pot needs water. You want it lite before water. Also, another trick is to place your pointer finger into the medium to the second knuckle. If any medium comes out on your finger, wait another day and try it again. If the medium is dry, it wont stick to your finger. 2 great ways to see if it needs water. Dont feel bad, even the most experienced gardeners muck this up from time to time. I know I have done it a time or two. You can either grow them out and hope for the best, or start over. Think of tehe medium being dry and the roots go serching for the water. Thats what makes the roots grow and in return makes the plant grow. Concentrate on what is going on under the soil and grow great roots and the plant will follow!