New Grower help please!!

Hi lone wolf. Yes I think your calculations are correct. I have had the same problem. Am waiting for my soil pH probe at moment. Everyone on here recommends getting one. I was advised to raise the pH of my nutrients to bring the soil pH back up. You said you checked the pH before you fed your plants. What pH have you been feeding them at?
oright ok i will get one eventually just on a bit of a budget, anyway had been feeding around 5.8 - 6.5 so that the run off would be coming out at 5.8, but after doing a flush today at 5.8 the run off came out at 5.0 so i ended up doing another three 1L flushes to bring the run off to 5.8 but i had to feed at 6.8 to get a run off of 5.8 is that not quite bad
Am still trying to get my head round pH issues but I was advised most people in soil feed nutes at about pH 7 and aim for a soil pH of about 6.5. Have been told to water to run off is about 10% of total feed solution. This helps flush out some of the excess nutrients out of the soil when you water. Over time some salts will build up (excess nutes not used) and will alter the pH of soil up and down. Some people will feed a plain water watering every now and then as well. If your soil is crusty that's prob excess nutes. I think in an emergency a major flush (2 to 3 times volume of water) can help but this will stress a plant. Still learning but think that's it.
What nutes are you using? Are you growing in soil?
right ok i'll keep that in mind for future, i had been feeding at this range cos thats what the nute schedule says but anyway, yeh ok i do usually do around 10-20% run off on feeds and with the one i havnt been feeding water inbetween feeds cos i thought i'd just run full nutes and see outcome. i have noticed the soil going a bit crispy just thought it was going dry from the plant sucking all the nutes up, i probably do have some salt build up cos ive used various new nutes like voodoo juice bud candy rhino skin big bud over drive. but yeh kinda emergency so in future you think i should be feeding so that the run offs come more closer to 6.5 ?

and yes im growing in soil
No not the run off. If you are growing in soil the SOIL pH should be between 6 and 7 with optimal soil pH about 6.5. Need to let it swing about a bit because did chemicals are absorbed at dif pH. If you click on my name and look at my grow journal auto ultimate with Dutch pro nutes (in Dutch passion section,) I was having same questions last week. Ph5.8 for soil is wrong. Aim for a soil pH of 6.5.
To me looks like they want more food and some cal/mag ..and looks like you need some chunky perlite added to the soil for better drainage and want loosely packed soil not soli that gets hard and flaky when it dries .what soil are you using btw?
so if you aim for a soil ph of 6.5 what should your feeds be then ....? :S

im using some promix mix its good its not chunky or anything, i really think now its cos ive packed a few nutes together with a low ph feed 5.8 -6.5 and not waterd between that salts have spiked
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Idealiy you would feed at 6.5 and your soil would stay at 6.5.
The soil acts as a buffer trying to regulate the pH but as it gets older salts build up in it causing the pH to change up or down. I was told some feed at pH 7 because they know their soil pH will drop over time. Again ideally you would feed at 6.5 and the soil would stay at 6.5 but it does not. So feed at pH 7 and check run off pH to calculate the soil pH or use a probe. When your soil pH starts changing (either up or down) change the pH of your nutrient solution to match. Eg if soil pH drops increase pH of nutrient solution. If soil pH rises lower the pH of the nutrient solution.