Indoor HELP! NFT plant has dropped suddenly. Need a fix ASAP!


Growing photoperiod trees
Cultivators Club
Aug 9, 2016
Reaction score
Hey guys,

been a loooong time since I’ve posted but I need some help with a plant. I got the “the future #1” set up in an NFT and One has suddenly become lifeless and droopy. The root mass in these plants are huge and the problem does look like overwatering, and a lot of the roots are balled up in the res below the tray. The roots are browned but look more like nute stain than root rot.

I dumped the res yesterday and filled it back up Half full with mix my nute mix (EC 1.5, PH 5.8) and turned the pump down to a trickle just in case it is over watering. This hasn’t worked so this morning I’ve dumped the res again and filled up halfway using h202 (this is part of my nute regimen anyway) and Pythoff just in case it is root rot.
i should also point out that the plant nearest the pump it is the one that drooped and the one at the back hasn’t, although under close examination it looks like this one may be starting to fail too.

has anyone got any advice or tips on how to turn this around? I’m in week three of flower and the ladies were looking really good until yesterday.
Please guys! And adobe will be greatly welcomed.
What's your environmentals? Reservoir temp? What nutrients? Using RO? Pictures would be incredibly helpful.
Botinicare HydroGuard ASAP. Some peeps here have used Southern Ag Garden Friendly fungicide. It is an off label use and I have never tried it. But you need to get something on it.
I tried NFT with lettuce and failed miserably. The root systems formed dams in the runs and the water ran over the sides instead of through the system. One hot afternoon it went dry and the lettuce turned to slime. I might have been drunk that day and forgot to add water and nutes. I drank a lot back then.
thanks for getting back guys. I dropped the ec right Down to 1 and fed the tank with only Pythoff and h202. She didn’t bounce bags so she had too be pulled. Her root mass was something else. They’d stretched through tray, into the reservoir and were back to the pump. I’m sure this has something too do with and she effectively drowned. But what confused me is that she went from a very big, healthy plant too dead as a dodo in less about 8 hours.
I’ve been an autopot grower for years and decided to switch to hydro to reduce my waste after a grow but unfortunately I’ve had nothing but problems with the new method. I’m gonna finish my other grow and if I don’t see an improvement I’m going back to autopots.