so finally got meself a e.c. meter... need a little help please!

so here are my first ever proper runoff results...

In: ---5 litres---e.c. 1.01--ph 6.2

plant 1-----1-----1.31-----6.7
plant 2-----0.8---1.89-----6.4
plant 3-----0.9---1.25-----6.7
plant 4-----0.6---1.84-----6.5
plant 5-----0.7---1.86-----6.5
plant 6-----0.55--1.72-----6.5
plant 7-----0.75--2.23-----6.3
plant 8-----0.5---1.96-----6.5

going by these results im guessing that ive been over feeding for a while now
also explains why plant 3 looks the healthiest!
and theres a good chance i neva needed to start adding calmag!
especially as my starting e.c. is 0.61!

well its almost time for the chop
Plants still looking happy enough despite everything (me!)

feeling a lot more confident for the next grow now ive learnt another tool!
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Hi. You got any photos of your plants? I want to see what’s going on in your grow-room.
so the left pic is plants 5 - 8 (5 6 at back 7 8 at front)
right pic is plants 1 - 4 ( 1 2 at back 3 4 at front)


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I wouldn’t say it’s any bigger problems with them. A bit yellow but other then that they look fine to me. Good growing brother and the EC-meter was an good investment.:pass:
so would this be any good?
got a garden hose supplying water to my room so should be an easy fit!

Hi and thanks for all the replys!

@Zaaboot Hi!
I would of agreed with u until today
Have now just used a e.c. for the first time ever... should of done this years ago!

Am in soil and read that u dont need to worry so much about e.c. in soil only ph so thats what ive always done
like to keep things as simple as pos!
Have always had probs even when ph was perfect (in and out) so always thought it was a deficiency so fed more or added calmag
all depending on what i thought the plant was telling me

Altho ive get my plants to harvest and been happy with the results the problems neva really went away
Same with this grow
Thought i had deficiency after yellowing and brown spots on leaves few weeks ago so started adding calmag
Leaves are now brown and dried at end so it looks like too much calmag!?!

Have jus used a e.c. meter on my runoff and tap water
My tap water is 0.61 so its too high already
and all my runoffs were a lot higher than what went in so it looks like theyve been overfed for a while
all while im thinkng their underfed!

Now understand if u can really read ur plants (i obviously couldnt!) then u dont need a e.c. meter
But now i really know whats going on with my plants (thanks to the e.c. meter) i can start to learn to properly read them
ill know if ive over or under fed and learn what the plant then looks like

Hopefully one day ill be able to truly read my plants so wont need one either

thanks again for your reply!

@parsing_trees Hi!
@Talonxracer Hi!

Yeah have now been looking at water filters, filtration etc!
been looking at aquarium filters
altho i do like the idea of jus using a brita water filter... wonder if they do 40 litre ones!
Hello again - fair points on yours for sure, soil is not my thing, so anything I say is far to be used in conjunction with soil :rofl: . I have a soil grow on the go where I am just using aerated tap water - it is certainly teaching me a lesson.
On the flip side, since my first ever grow I have used the Bluelab E.C truncheon, I run in a recirculating system with pots filled with coco and pebbles - at first I used the pen many times a day, but that wore thin very fast. If you look at a multi pot recirc all plants get the same food all the time.
There have been many occasions where some of the plants are happy and others are not, but all are on the 'super duper recommendation of whatever E.C that maybe', other times all plants are fine etc...
Ultimately, I am not saying do not use the pen, I would never start a grow without one - but once you are comfortable, let the plant talk to you - they all differ, so if person X says 1.2 is too high - it may well be for their plants in their set up, but will leave others feeling hungry.

Hope that makes sense :pass:

Hi @Zaaboot !
Yes that makes perfect sense

ive always grown multiple plants so know what works for one may not work for another and thats in the same setup!

and already see what u mean about the "pens"
got the same pen from apera but for ph
it did get a bit tedious at the end after checking the e.c. and ph for 8 plants!
altho if this (e.c.) is the missing piece of the puzzle for me so to speak i suppose its worth it

and i like ur idea of doing a water only grow
was thinking about doing 1 of the next 8 water only
thought it might help me work out if im over or under feeding
altho now i got me e.c. meter for that!

would be very interested to see how ur soil grow ends up