Help needed. Spotting, Mag issues?

Hi I’m a noob too, can’t help but admire your WW XXL I’ve got one myself and she’s a peach. Not one to show a deficiency that’s for sure.
Thanks! I'm really looking forward to seeing how that one goes! They're supposed to get pretty big, I HOPE!
Day 44:
Hey @blue, regarding the PH swings mentioned before, I was just thinking about possible causes. So here is my theory.

My water comes out at about 8.5 as stated almost every time. Well I germinate in that water AND my process for getting pots ready includes running a bit of TAP WATER, un PHed, into the medium to help with water movement in the future, so the plants are feeding off that water for a couple days, in I come with perfect crisp 6.5 ph water, toss it in and throw everything off by swinging my PH so dramatically.

All the Fox farms soils I've used has a hard time taking in water It basically just beads water on top until I toss in some water and mix it up. Would that water being probably 8.5 PH that early cause this? Would that explain growth being fine and the issue not showing on new growth?

I had a mental breakthrough, You know what happened when I transplanted my Photoperiods with the same soil washed method. We got splotching, Just not nearly as dramatic, it didn't lock anything out.
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She was topped and some light LST early on, a little leaf tucking, but honestly — she’s growing up and out all on her own. Her structure is top notch.
She was topped and some light LST early on, a little leaf tucking, but honestly — she’s growing up and out all on her own. Her structure is top notch.
That's exactly what I'm doing, I topped and saw growth within 12 hours I honestly don't think she stopped after I cut her she didn't care at all.
I really don't see too much of an issue here, but FF has a tendency to drift in its ph thru the grow. I ran it for years, last year started having issues with the medium sliding down into the mid 5s as the peat breaks down.

Might do a slurry test and see what the ph of your rhizoshere is.

Left fox farms for good after that grow.
I really don't see too much of an issue here, but FF has a tendency to drift in its ph thru the grow. I ran it for years, last year started having issues with the medium sliding down into the mid 5s as the peat breaks down.

Might do a slurry test and see what the ph of your rhizoshere is.

Left fox farms for good after that grow.

I see a lot of people using Coco Coir and I definitely want to try that, I just want to use all my soil first and aside from what seems to be user error in my opinion Fox Farms has actually done me well. Also remember I’ve only got a few plants under my belt so my experience is limited, but there! I made sure to take it real easy with the nutrients and I didn’t have any issues.
I see a lot of people using Coco Coir and I definitely want to try that, I just want to use all my soil first and aside from what seems to be user error in my opinion Fox Farms has actually done me well. Also remember I’ve only got a few plants under my belt so my experience is limited, but there! I made sure to take it real easy with the nutrients and I didn’t have any issues.

Solid advise, less is more .... you can always add more but removing is tough .....

Suggest next couple waterings, no FF Liquid rather a light dash of liquid kelp in the water .... teaspoon in a gallon to get some color to water, not too much .... then follow FF Instructions by half and see if it doesn’t stop and you get some new nice green growth .....

You may also want to try a spray feed of kelp, quicker results, again less is more and make sure they are dry before putting back under lights ... spray undersides and lightly mist top sides of leaves - fan dry then back into tent ....

Spray feed weekly until into flower for best health, kelp has over 80 trace minerals not found elsewhere, it’s a wonderful supplemental fertilizer....

Best of luck and take my advise with a grain of salt, I am in no way an expert on issues like yours, my history is in gardening not growing marijuana but I just expanded my garden plot to include ....

Out in the vegetable garden we practice doing half of any recommended product and add as needed, depending on the results .... Less is More!


Good Luck and welcome to AFN, again.