Indoor Help me please....

Dec 24, 2013
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Hello there, I have a baby here thats a little over two weeksish. It started out strong and fine and all then these yellow spots showed up. Its still growing but the spots are worrisome. I started out using distilled water from the store thinking its Ph would be ok but then I found my meter and it tested at 8 yesterday so I adjusted a new bottle and gave it its first ferts last night. So is it from the Ph being that far off or something else entirely? Spanks for your replies.



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If there autos, then it could be the 8 ph water is way to high for soil. Try to stick to 6.5 ph. And as far as nutes or frets as you called it, you have to start slow with autos. There sensitive to nutes, go half of what is recommended at first and slowly build them up to full nutes once in flowers.
I think your water ph is too high tho

what kind of soil is that? Any fertilizer in the soil?
I'd calibrate that meter first a PH of 8.0 in distilled water says something is wrong, either its not distilled water,( mineral water is often a ph of 7.5 or more ). Try buying your water somewhere else and test it, if it's still that high, its your meter.
I Thought 8 was alittle high but I have seen distilled go to 7.7 though.
Either way you need to be in the 6.5 to 6.8 range.

Walmart has great value spring water that is 6.6 ph. Dollar a gallon bro!!