Help me fix this sick girl!

:toke: -- a lot happening here,... I need more info!
--What was the soil pH when the Fe defc. started? How did you test it?
-- How exactly did you fix it, with what product and dosage?
That overall color loss is troubling,... looks like S defc. kicking in; was she like this before the Fe defc.? .... Large dead patches look like P defc.,... BioBizz is so mild, defc.'s seem common with them especially if diluted. could be a snowball mess going on now, pending the info needed... Too much Fe will screw with P uptake, so will S defc.... That bout of Fe defc. due to off pH likely triggered S defc. as well,.... you may also be just plain short on P/K input too = :doh:
First thing to nail down, a reliable in-pot soil pH taken,... Don't bother with run-off testing, not a reliable indicator, only if it's way off does it give a clue as to what's to be done,....
Foliar treatment is a good option to tackle this, along with soil treatment, but that is pending any other fixing in-pot. Foliar bypasses all thsi, and help her limp along meantime. you'll need a good micronutrient supplement, and the best one for this is Earth Juice Microblast, total micro coverage plus most are compounded with Sulfate so that base is covered... wetting agent is critical to effective foliar spraying, so is technique (bottom of leaves more important that tops, more stomata there, so hose the plant down!)...
As for a possible deeper cause for this, like root troubles, gnat larvae, root rot, etc., are in play.....
I dosed her with topmax 2ml/l at that time. It isn't recommended for veg stage, but it helps with iron aviability in soil, according to biobizz.

I can't afford a good ph meter, so i check with cheap ph meter directly in soil, (just lets me know that it isnt way over 7 or below 5) and for feed/runoff water i use pool ph tester - 10ml of water is poured in test tube, then add 8 drops of reagent and see how colour changes. To determine soil ph while flushing i took samples of first runoff water, then after a few liters and then at the very end of flush. Input water was ph6, runoff was ph7, ph6.7 and 6.3 at last. I know it isn't the best method, but at least i know the ph is between 6 and 6.8... Kind of worked for me with autoflowers so far.

So anyway, the best way to diagnose is to see what has changed, and it has changed for good :)

Guys on the first page were right, she was definetely hungry! I always try not to overfeed and seeing symptoms often makes rookies fix it with more nutrients, which is often the wrong thing to do. Except this case haha. Two days ago i doubled the nutrients per liter - 4ml/l biogrow, 4ml/l bioheaven and 2ml/l algamic and it has become greener, purple stems had reduced and no more dead spots. Tips doesn't indicate N toxicity so i think i should have added more of everything after i flushed away everything in soil.


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I dosed her with topmax 2ml/l at that time. It isn't recommended for veg stage, but it helps with iron aviability in soil, according to biobizz.

I can't afford a good ph meter, so i check with cheap ph meter directly in soil, (just lets me know that it isnt way over 7 or below 5) and for feed/runoff water i use pool ph tester - 10ml of water is poured in test tube, then add 8 drops of reagent and see how colour changes. To determine soil ph while flushing i took samples of first runoff water, then after a few liters and then at the very end of flush. Input water was ph6, runoff was ph7, ph6.7 and 6.3 at last. I know it isn't the best method, but at least i know the ph is between 6 and 6.8... Kind of worked for me with autoflowers so far.

So anyway, the best way to diagnose is to see what has changed, and it has changed for good :)

Guys on the first page were right, she was definetely hungry! I always try not to overfeed and seeing symptoms often makes rookies fix it with more nutrients, which is often the wrong thing to do. Except this case haha. Two days ago i doubled the nutrients per liter - 4ml/l biogrow, 4ml/l bioheaven and 2ml/l algamic and it has become greener, purple stems had reduced and no more dead spots. Tips doesn't indicate N toxicity so i think i should have added more of everything after i flushed away everything in soil.
She is looking much better! Getting her green on!
Yes :)

Thanks @STILLSMOKIN @Waira @ChroToker @BWM @James Walker

At this moment she seems much happier. From all this i can conclude that
1. epsom salts probably did help, aside damage from daytime spraying. I diluted it more and sprayed right after lights went off for two more nights.
2. pH should be in correct range at this moment, but soil is not aerated well, so i got to be careful with amount of water and time between feedings.
3. Photoperiods really do like eating more
4. I will switch to GH or other non organic nutrients next time to be precise on giving exactly what and how much the plant needs also i will try growing in coco.
5. Got to get a good soil ph tester finally.

As for now, i hope the older leaves recover some of the greenness and this would be end of troubles. If all goes well, i will switch to 12/12 next week.
*a bit offtopic*

Info on this strain is next no non existant, except for one COB thread, where dude @IndyLED posted some pictures of this strain. He has disabled PM i guess, so if @IndyLED see this post, hit me with PM please :eek2:

Any info on flowering stretch, avg yield, potency, smell, taste would be nice
A little update @ end of week4

Well, leaves never really recovered to lush green. But purple stems reduced in flower stretch, so thats good at least. I guess the problems now are more complex and too late to fix, but still i keep feeding the biobizz line with filtered water and hope for the best. Buds are quite thin, and probably wont fill out because of leaf loss and lack lack of green. Quite a lot of energy is not used without functionating solar panels... Wadya think?


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Looks fine just hungry.
30% perlite, 20% worm castings, 20% peat moss

Wow, wey to much acidic worm cast.................... very low Ph in worm shit.................... tipped grow medium Ph upside down........... low Ph locked out phos, as 1st pic posted......... theres only 20% grow medium to grow in !!!!

Yeah never spray with lights on.

As it never rains in the wild during the day ??/.............. thousands of years old genetic where never programmed for this........................ tropical rain on leaves at 28c during the day,...... cannabis grows at 26-28c which is tropical environment right ??........ it rains in the tropics most days during the day right ?? it's a jungle etc ??........

Looks phosphorus deficient as well as hungry

1st quote on the money, as nute deff chart to Ph regulation chart above............ his soil was turned very acid by the 20% massive inclusion of worm castings practically 100% nitrigen......... acidic in other words right ??.

soil pH when the Fe defc. started?

Fe 'iron" trace ellement.... is in up take range from Ph 4 to Ph 6.8 ???????????? not a trace ellement issue ??........... Fe is one of the most available at the widest Ph ranges ??................ (Phos) !

just plain short on P/K input too

We dont know what his feed "Compilation" is at the mo........... he is just into flower, so probly only just started with Pk at this stage ??.................. need to see nutrient combination used before we prescribe i was thinking......

i hope the older leaves recover some

No no recovery from nute and phos burnt leaves.......... other than some of the mobile nutes left may be recovered during late flowering................... otherwise lower fait.......... do not remove them, as nutes will be recovered by plant later on...... allways "Ensure" your feed water temperature is within 1c of your root ball temperature. That is best kept between 22c and 25c................ for best nutrient assimilation as chart above.............. inside the correct Ph'es..........

I guess the problems now are more complex and too late to fix,

You are right,..................... it will be difficult to wash out that amount of acidic worm cast............. one benefit is it may tend to break down slower than some others............... but it will keep on releasing hydrogen ions, continually reducing the grow medium Ph....................... i would recommend all feeds be lifted to PH 7.0 to 7.4......... and fed in. Over time this will recover the acidic medium Ph................... "In Time For Fruitification"............. continue to check Ph of 200ml of run off's water............ to monitor if Ph is rising due to alkaline feed water "Buffering" the medium....................... over time it will, as the alkaline content bases of the hydrogen ions released from the worm cast........................... time will level the cation to Ion ration....... ALR
Wow, wey to much acidic worm cast.................... very low Ph in worm shit.................... tipped grow medium Ph upside down........... low Ph locked out phos, as 1st pic posted......... theres only 20% grow medium to grow in !!!!
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As it never rains in the wild during the day ??/.............. thousands of years old genetic where never programmed for this........................ tropical rain on leaves at 28c during the day,...... cannabis grows at 26-28c which is tropical environment right ??........ it rains in the tropics most days during the day right ?? it's a jungle etc ??........

1st quote on the money, as nute deff chart to Ph regulation chart above............ his soil was turned very acid by the 20% massive inclusion of worm castings practically 100% nitrigen......... acidic in other words right ??.

Fe 'iron" trace ellement.... is in up take range from Ph 4 to Ph 6.8 ???????????? not a trace ellement issue ??........... Fe is one of the most available at the widest Ph ranges ??................ (Phos) !

We dont know what his feed "Compilation" is at the mo........... he is just into flower, so probly only just started with Pk at this stage ??.................. need to see nutrient combination used before we prescribe i was thinking......

No no recovery from nute and phos burnt leaves.......... other than some of the mobile nutes left may be recovered during late flowering................... otherwise lower fait.......... do not remove them, as nutes will be recovered by plant later on...... allways "Ensure" your feed water temperature is within 1c of your root ball temperature. That is best kept between 22c and 25c................ for best nutrient assimilation as chart above.............. inside the correct Ph'es..........

You are right,..................... it will be difficult to wash out that amount of acidic worm cast............. one benefit is it may tend to break down slower than some others............... but it will keep on releasing hydrogen ions, continually reducing the grow medium Ph....................... i would recommend all feeds be lifted to PH 7.0 to 7.4......... and fed in. Over time this will recover the acidic medium Ph................... "In Time For Fruitification"............. continue to check Ph of 200ml of run off's water............ to monitor if Ph is rising due to alkaline feed water "Buffering" the medium....................... over time it will, as the alkaline content bases of the hydrogen ions released from the worm cast........................... time will level the cation to Ion ration....... ALR
So guys and gals you can spray with lights on, just make sure it's rain water you use i guess. I for one have never seen kelp juice rain in a natural environment so I'll stick with the no spray while lights are on.